Chapter 18

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In a matter of a few short hours, Elaine was a mess on the floor of the chamber, and Val hadn't even started the real fun yet. So far he'd barely done more than tie her up and use a wand on her, but he knew every erogenous spot her body had to offer now, and he'd use them. "Come on, honey, just tell me what I want to know and this can end. It's that simple." He made sure to dip his voice, to keep it quiet, to get close to her ear as he spoke to make it sound softer, more convincing. "Trust me, I can go all night. And I have much worse things in store if you don't talk." He forced her to look at him with the switch he was holding and gave her a sympathetic smile. He didn't feel it, of course, and was enjoying the sweat dripping from her body, the tears pouring from her eyes, and how she trembled with every breath.

"You're a fucking psychopath." She breathed the words and he sighed.

"I know that. You act like this is new information. Honey, every Overlord is psychotic in some way. The difference is, instead of just torturing you and ripping you to shreds when I'm done, I'm gonna torture you and make money off of your pain." Val leaned down until he was mere inches away from her and smiled casually. "And then I'm going to keep you around for as long as it takes for me, and the people of Hell to get bored of you. I don't have to contract you to keep you locked away, babe. And I don't have to contract you to sell your body, either. I could bring customers to you, let them do whatever they want to you, and leave. You have no idea how many requests I get for the nastier things." He brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face lightly. "I have one guy, real fucked up piece of shit, who would love you, I just know it. His name is Novix and he's a bit of a pyro. I have a few girls he can be with, but I usually avoid anyone with fur or hair, since the smell of it burning is just so awful. For you though, I think I would make an exception." She burst into wails then, and he just watched, standing to get a good look at all of her. The woman wet herself at the threat and was simply forced to lay on the ground in her mess, since he'd tied her up in bondage knots. When they'd started, she'd been kicking and crawling too much. Val crossed the room and stood beside Vox, who was seated in a chair he'd had the goons bring in for him.

His lovers legs were crossed, hands neatly folded in his lap, and he'd been watching every moment without looking away. Throughout the room, there were cameras set up to record the interaction from various angles to ensure they didn't miss anything, and they were all on tracks. From time to time, Vox would move them to get a better shot, but he'd never actually looked away from them. "Sometimes I'm reminded of how fucked up you can be Val." He looked down at his lover, but he saw the smile. Vox looked up at him before pressing a kiss against his hip. "And it just makes me fall for you all over again." Val smiled and sighed.

"Why are you so romantic, Voxxy?" He chuckled and turned his attention back to Elaine. "What should we do now? Is there something you want to see specifically, baby?" Vox thought about it for a moment and nodded.

"Shock her." The speed at which Elaine's head shot up to look at them was impressive.

"Please, please no. Anything but that." Val raised his brows as the woman begged. He couldn't help but feel a deep seated insult at her insistence, so all her pleas fell on deaf ears. Crossing the room, he picked up the electro-play wand. This one was a bit stronger than something you would find conventionally, since it was one of his own personal ones. It was made to imitate Vox's shocks specifically, which were more potent. The girl started squirming on the floor and Val snapped. The two goons raced over and picked her up, splashing water over her and then towel drying her as quickly as they could. The liquid would conduct too much and accidents could lead to her being brain dead for a short time. And then their fun would end without the information they wanted. She asked them several times what they were doing as they performed the acts, meanwhile Val paced the room to stand by Vox again. He touched his palm with the end of the wand and squeaked with pleasure when the shock ran through his body. Vox ran a hand up the back of his leg and under his dress the minute he heard the noise and Val was biting his lip.

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