Chapter 6

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Cigarettes and hot chocolate. That's what Val tasted like today, and he couldn't get enough. As wrong as he knew it was, he couldn't help himself when Val was like this; the dress, the makeup, the wig, all of it. The only thing about this new look he didn't like, was that the man had gotten rid of the ruff, so he couldn't bury his fingers in that cloud soft fur. Their tongues wrapped, rubbed, licked greedily at one another while their hands explored. He found he both loved and hated this dress. It was perfect for Val and he could feel every little thing through it, but as pretty as it was, he couldn't figure out how to get it off. Oh, and he wanted it off. He'd been practically celibate for weeks now not just because Elaine was a prude, but because he was having... troubles. For her, at least, because right now, grabbing at Val's hips and sucking on his tongue, he was hard as hell. Running his hands along Val's body, he was looking for a zipper or corset of some kind. That's when Val put his hands on his chest and pushed him away. Vox stumbled back and looked at the man in shock.

Val's lipstick was a mess now, and he was panting, his deep red locks wild. When the man caught his breath, he closed his eyes and sighed. "Just this once, and only because I can tell it hurts. There won't be a next time, Vox. No more touching, no more kissing." Val took his hand and guided him against a wall. He watched the moth kneel down in front of him and make quick work of his belt and pants. "You already fucked up my lipstick anyways." The moment he fell into Val's hands, he felt a rush of pleasure at nothing more than the heat of the man's body. Satan help him, the skill that Val's fingers had as they slid over the shaft had a fog filling his mind. Those fingers knew every inch of him, they knew every sensitive spot to touch, to tease, to send him over the edge. The light kiss his lover pressed to the crown made him shiver, but it was just the beginning. Val slid the head of his cock past his lips and the heat enveloped him to send lava through his veins. His lover easily took him in, pressing the crown to the back of his throat before sliding the shaft back, creating a suction around him that had his legs weak. He looked down at the moth and started recording to recall the memory later. Valentino sucking him off in a public bathroom with some of Hell's elite just down the hall. There was a rush in the act and setting alone.

"Fuck, Val." He was panting and getting close. A few more strokes had him burying his fingers in the wig and rocking his hips with Val's pace. He felt the man rest his hands on Vox's thighs and he was holding Val's head still as he thrust as deep as he could. Each spurt of cum came with a spark and Val moaned with pleasure. Watching the man, he saw the almost drugged look in his eyes. Vox released his grip and felt Val swallow around him, send shivers through his entire body. Petting the moth, he struggled to stand, to catch his breath, to stop the room from spinning. "Fuck, you're so good at that." Val slowly pulled back, wrapped his tongue around Vox's cock as he went to get every last drop off. Another swallow and the moth was standing and turning to face the mirror. Without hesitation, the man fixed his lipstick, his hair, his dress, and he looked perfect all over again. Meanwhile, Vox got his bearings and put himself away, fixing his clothes. "Val, please don't make this weird for us." The words came out before he thought about them and he cringed. "Weirder than I've already made it."

The moth turned and looked at him, straightening to his full height. "You don't have to worry about that, Vox. This will never happen again. This is your last warning, I'm not some cheap whore you can turn to when you need a fix cause your girl is a sudden puritan." His heart sank at the cold tone and complete dismissal used by the moth. "I ain't a working girl anymore, honey, and you gave up your right touch." Val motioned to all of him before leaning down into Vox's face. "So the next time you touch me without asking, I will castrate you, you selfish prick." The shock had him standing there, dumbfounded, as Val turned on his heel and walked out of the bathroom like nothing had happened. Taking a minute to breathe, he dropped his head back against the wall before sliding down to the floor. He couldn't tell if it was all an act, or if his moth had really just changed, because if it was the latter, it could only mean one thing. He'd been the problem. The tightness in his chest made breathing impossible and before he knew it, he was holding his head in his hands and fighting not to cry.

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