3. Lucky (Hoodie x Reader) (Part 1)

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TW's - Car wrecks, passive suicidal thoughts

Life sucks.

It was currently 12:30 in the morning and I was sitting on the curb outside of a 7-Eleven, drinking a melted slushy that was turning my tongue blue.

I had one earbud in, blasting my favorite playlist in my ear. I had made it a couple nights ago but it quickly became my favorite. For some strange reason, playlists made right after mental breakdowns were always the best ones.

My day started out relatively normal. I completed my normal routine of waking up at 12pm, taking a shower as quickly as possible (My fastest time is currently 3 minutes and 48 seconds), and shoving on clothes that I found scattered across my room. Today I had ended up wearing some cargo shorts and a band shirt along with my favorite jacket.

After getting ready, I had rushed out the door, forgot my keys, ran back inside, got my keys and finally was on my way to my job.

Of course, my day only got better from there, right?


I wasn't paying much attention to the light and turned left, following the cars in front of mine. Most of it was a blur after that but a car had hit the side of mine, flipping my car and totaling it. Aren't I lucky?

The person who hit me got out with minimal damage, but of course, I wasn't quite as lucky. I ended up with glass from the shattered windows embedded in my skin and a large gash across my forehead. There were also sharp pains in my chest with each breath I took.

An hour later, after talking with the officers about insurance and other boring things, I was on my way to work. The officers had insisted I was to be taken to a hospital to receive treatment, but sadly I earn minimum wage and can barely afford rent, much less hundreds of dollars of medical bills.

Yay America.

I hobbled into work. I smelled strongly of gasoline and had a concerning amount of dried blood covering maybe a third of my face. I had (hopefully) removed all the glass from the rest of my body, which meant my arms and legs were also covered in dried blood. What a great day to be wearing shorts.

Though, because i'm so lucky of course, my manager walked out of the break room and froze when they saw me.

They were extremely attractive, though not quite my type. They had shoulder length maroon hair that was currently pulled up into a high ponytail, which complimented their fair skin. They wore a simple black apron over a plain black T-shirt and black dress slacks.

I grinned at them slightly, wincing at the pain it caused me, "Did I make it on time?"

"No, you're an hour and a half late. You're also covered in blood. You look like you died and then were somehow brought back to life," My manager, Phoenix, told me.

I cringed a bit at the slightly harsh tone they held in their voice. "Look. I know I'm late again- but I wrecked and was held up by the police and had to walk the rest of the way here because my car was totaled. I know you said if I was late one more time I would be fired but-"

"No buts. You were really good company to have and would make a great friend, but as an employee you're lacking. You somehow manage to do less than the bare minimum and can't be on time for the life of you. You cuss out customers on an almost daily basis and we've received an abundance of customer reviews outlining their negative experiences with you," Phoenix interrupted. "You can go grab your clothes from your locker in the break room. Leave your apron and key for the store here. Maybe we can keep in touch later."

I stared at them in shock. With this job I was barely paying rent, I was eating one meal a day because it was all I could afford. Without this job I wouldn't be able to pay rent. I didn't have a friends house I could stay at either.

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