3 - Captivity Sucks

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Your eyes shoot open. You are staring up at the ceiling, which is rocky and rough. You move your neck and see a cave around you. The only exit is above you, which you are nowhere near strong enough to climb. You slowly get up. What the fuck? You try, you try so hard, to move but you can't move anything except your neck. You are covered in bruises and cuts and a sticky ketchup-like substance murmurs below you, stopping you from moving. You call for help. "Hello? Anyone?!" No response. You call again. "Eggabell?! I'm sorry!" Silence. "PLEASE!!! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!" Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Tears run down your cheeks as you bang your hands on the jagged floor, causing them to bleed. You are hoping for someone to rescue you. They won't. No one will find you. No one is here.

"Bunger bunger bunger..." You hear the name uttered repeatedly. Wait a minute... "Bunger bunger..." Isn't that the voice you heard before you blacked out? "Bunger?" It must be a crazed old man who has trapped you, for some reason. "LET ME OUT OF HERE, YOU PSYCHO!" Nothing.

After a moment of silence, you see an abnormally shaped shadow bounding towards you. "Bunger!" It shouts. You await your gruesome death.

Instead, something strange happened. It sat on you and just gazed happily, without a care in the world. "Um... hey, lil' guy..."
You grow less concerned as it slowly falls asleep on you. You feel like you don't want to move as to not disturb it, which is great, because you can't anyway. The 'Bunger' starts to drool ketchup onto your face and some gets in your mouth. It tastes just like ketchup. Tasty. More ketchup slips into your throat and you feel... weird. You feel happy. Peaceful. You start to forget about the pain all over your once-achy body. In fact, you even forget the name of that fuzzy person who trapped you... How did you get here? You had a boat... you think? No, a flying boat. Definitely a flying boat. You let your worries disappear as you drift off to sleep".

"Hey!! Darn BUNGER!!! Get off of them!!"
A blue Grumpus slid down like a cool guy and hit Bunger with a stick. "Awe... Why would you do that?" You slurred. The rude guy just picked you up and flew out of the cave. You saw a flying Bunger and a... and a Unicorn!!! And a... and a...
You were suddenly asleep.

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