2 - Rude Awakening

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Your body slowly stirs and you awake to try and figure out- wait... Where are you?!

You are in a quaint cabin and smell smoke, a farm (maybe?) and food. Amazing smelling food. Although you are happy about your circumstances, which you take as quite lucky, you are still petrified for your life. What if your 'generous' guests are cannibals? What if the 'delicious food' is their past victims? You can't shake the feeling that something is wrong, but the door is locked, and you are wounded, so jumping out of a window action-movie style would prove fatal. With no other choice, you laid down on a tattered yet comfy bed and waited for something, anything while beads of sweat trickle down your face and neck. Fortunately, you wouldn't have to wait for long.

The front door flew open as a white-furred Grumpus ran through the doorway, panicking as they frantically carried (and dropped) a large pile containing a plethora of medical equipment, ranging from plasters, to... defibrillators? You supposed the anxious Grumpus was just taking precautions.

"Uh, hey! I, uh, are you okay?" The mysterious Grumpus spoke.
"Um... yeah?" You replied.
"Great! Um, I'm Eggabell and, uh... I found you unconscious with a crashed ship. So I took you to my, uh, humble abode!"
"Before you ask, I'm y/n and, um... Thanks?"
"Nice to meet you, y/n, and, um, welcome to Snaxburg!"
"Yep! Founded by the one and only Lizbert Megafig! And me! And I suppose Filbo too."
"Woah. Slow down. The Lizbert Megafig?!"
"Yep! Anyway, I need to go grab something, but afterwards, i'll treat your wound, okay?"

Eggabell ambled out of the bedroom and downstairs, leaving the door open. On one hand, Eggabell seems fine and the wound does hurt. But, you still aren't sure if you trust them. You make a tough call and go through the doors that are open without going towards her.

You find yourself on the balcony and think of how to escape. You decide to take a chance and jump off the balcony into a shrub. Everyone is in their homes, so it should be easy. Right? After bracing yourself, you jump over the railing and not-so-gracefully land in the bush. It still hurt like hell but you covered your mouth as to not scream.

You slowly limp through the happy town and up a hill. Your leg really hurts and you'd love to sleep. That looks comfy. You should just- No! You're not letting your tiredness and pain stop you. You reach the summit of the small hill and go to a sign stating 'This way to Flavour Falls!'. You follow the neatly marked pathway to an area by a lake. You limp carefully past countless odd critters and lay down. The last thing you here before blacking out is 'Bunger?'.

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