Chapter 4: A New Magic

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A gentle dawn seemed to be approaching, the birds of London echoed sounds of nature, and the world was slowly moving forward. And yet it was as if time stood still in the witches' chamber. It had not been long since Felix took his last breath. His body still slightly warm. Eventually Dominic moved his head from Felix's chest to brace his lips against his, a kiss of sadness, as if to say a final goodbye. And as he did, Felix's skin went from a ghoulish white to a bright angelic yellow. The life force of Felix had returned to his vessel, and his very flesh absorbed the glowing aura. Suddenly, he let out a loud gasp, his entire body contorted in the process. It was a natural reaction to the revival.

Dominic couldn't believe his eyes. He believed they were lying to him, or he had died and this was but a dream. Then with frail words, Felix muttered, "I see you found your inner light magic. It seems as if I'm your trigger" he added a cheeky giggle at the end, but then he moaned a little from the pain of his bones and muscles returning to normal.

"It seems you made me a little sore there haha". Felix continued with a flirty sparkle in his eye.

He appeared surprisingly chipper seeing as he had died for a time. Staring at him, Dominic was speechless. It was as if his tongue had stopped working.

Felix noticed and said "Panda boy, are you okay? I'm back, you brought me back!".

"Y-yes... I am just in disbelief. How did I do that? How did I revive you?" Dominic replied.

Felix said "It's a pretty advanced level of light magic, it seems you must've had some light witches in your family's history, but I've never witnessed a resurrection spell before, or even heard of it happening, only rumours, but I'm just thankful to set my eyes on your beautiful face once again".

He reached to softly caress Dominic's cheek. They stared into each other's eyes for a few moments before standing up. No words about their feelings of love were needed, they were as connected as Yin and Yang. The power of true love. Then Dominic remembered the jar that housed Delia's soul was still sat on the rustic pedestal, safe and sound. They both walked over to it.

"We should take this and give her a proper funeral, just the two of us". Felix suggested.

Dominic looked at him with smiling eyes and nodded, "Yes I'd like that, and so would she".

He clutched the jar in his arms. As they left, a warm feeling filled their hearts. Ultimately, Dominic realised this wasn't a dream after all, and that magic was something to be trusted when light guides the way.

The date was the 1st of November, the morning after the final showdown had taken place. Felix and Dominic entered the decrepit cemetery, where the trees tall and linear, as if acting as guardians of the dead. As they walked up to the gravestone that housed Delia's restful vessel, they noticed the air seemed chilly yet refreshing, making the ends of their noses a soft pink. The headstone was masterfully crafted out of granite and in the sunlight it appeared a light cloudy grey colour. The inscription on it read, 'Here lies Delia Smith. A loving mother and grandmother, a kind soul, and a sweetheart. None will forget her angelic presence'.

Dominic removed the jar from under his black faux fur coat. He wanted to protect it at all costs. It was now time to perform the soul release ritual, an ancient practice dating back thousands of years. Felix held one side of the jar and Dominic held the other, their magic ready to be unleashed. Stood so, they began incanting "Maiden, Mother, Crone, peace to the person under this stone. Stag, Father, Sage, release this soul from its cage".

In order to be sure the spell worked, they repeated the incantation 10 times to build up the necessary energy to complete the ceremony. Finally, with the last words said, the jar lid was magically lifted off by wisps of blue and purple, the colours of Felix and Dominic's essence.

The soul from within the jar floated up and remained still in the air above, but after a few moments, it began changing form. Slowly transfiguring itself into a familiar face, a familiar person. Delia herself. Even though they expected to see her soul, they never guessed she would be able to materialise into her human form. Dominic and Felix stood in shock, staring up at her. She looked so pure; the light emanating from her was incomparable.

"Oh my dear, my little Dominic, it makes my heart leap to see you again", Delia said with an echo in her voice.

Dominic's chin was now trembling. It was clear he was struggling to build up enough strength to reply, but eventually he did.

"I've missed you so, so much Grandma. I want you to stay with us forever. I can't bear living without you". Then as he finished the words he so struggled to get out, he began crying uncontrollably.

"Oh my poor boy, I've missed you too, but I must go. It's not my time, it's your time, yours and this gentlemen's next to you. By the way, I approve". Delia said with a wink.

Then Felix looked at Dominic, their eyes locking, and their faces glowing with joy while holding hands. Dominic's left arm had burn scars now due to the trauma of Ravenna's curse but it didn't matter to Felix, Dominic was still as beautiful as ever to him.

"Thank you for releasing me, and thanks to you Felix, for making my Dominic happy. I have no doubt you will always protect each other. I will be watching over you", Delia said before her soul ascended up into the heavens. Dominic glanced up at her longingly, and the moment she was gone, he laid his head on Felix's chest and lightly sighed with comfort in his heart.

Felix patted him on the head and then, with much conviction, proceeded to get on his knees with a cheeky smile on his face. Immediately Dominic's eyes widened, and a look of confusion and intrigue filled his expression.

"Will you take me as your boyfriend and be my panda boy for life?" Felix asked lovingly, with a comedic grin on his face.

"Yes! Yes, I do!" Dominic replied.

Felix stood up and Dominic leapt forward into his arms. They locked eyes and intensely kissed each other. Now arm in arm, they began walking down the long narrow path of the graveyard. All in all, Dominic had found what he always wanted. A home, a family, to be accepted and loved for who he was. Felix was that to him. Felix was the answer to Dominic's desire. The spell he cast all that time ago to find a coven, to find community, had truly paid off. And although the journey was painful and unexpected, in the end love triumphed.

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