Chapter 29 - The Realm between Time and Space

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Y/N = Your Name 

* 2nd Person's P.O.V

(Y/N's Dream) 

You were unconscious, you were surrounded by a void of darkness. Suddenly, you were awakened by the sound of a bell's jingle. You opened your eyes " What was that?" You looked around in confusion, you began to walk through this mysterious world. You shouted " Hello? Is anyone there?" You were responded by the sound of a bell's jingle. You quickly search for the source of the sound. You asked again " Hello?! Ritsuka? Asuza?" Suddenly, a bright light shines in the middle of the room. You heard footsteps approaching, a masked figure stood underneath the light. They were wearing a black and white mask, gray and white clothes, along with black gloves, black boots, and a long cape that reached to their knees. You were confused on who this masked figure could be. You asked, " Excuse me, who are you?" The masked figure tilted their head at you, you were about to ask again but the masked figure ran off. 

You ran after them " Hey! Wait." You huffed as you tried to follow this mysterious figure. You ran for about a mile until you found yourself in a room filled with mirrors.  You looked around " Wow, this reminds me of the mirror house at Urie's amusement park." You heard a voice that echoed throughout the room " Greetings, Y/N." You quickly looked around " Who's that? How do you know my name?" The voice replied, " Who I am is not important but, what matters is your future." You tilted your head " Where I am?" The voice explains while you inspect the mirror room " You are in the realm between time and space. Each mirror represents a different time in a different place." 

You thought ' So, each mirror will show me a moment in time?" You decided to test that theory by placing your hand on a random mirror. The mirror began to glow brightly, you covered your eyes from the brightness. Then, the mirror began to show you and Ritsuka meeting with the student councils. You thought ' Hey, that's the time when Ritsuka and I were called to the third library.' You placed your hand on a different mirror. It was showing you being attacked by Urie's fans. You scrunched up your face in disgust ' Ugh, of all the moments in time it had to be this.' 

You heard the voice spoke " Listen to me, you need to learn how to use your powers. If you don't, the vampires will harm you and your family." You asked " But how? I don't even know how my amulet works." The voice spoke " Look within your heart and ask yourself what the one thing is you desire the most." You thought ' What I desire the most?' You placed your hand on your chest, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You thought ' The one thing I desire the most....' As you were in the process of thinking, your amulet began to glow. You opened your eyes to see your amulet shining.  You held your amulet in your hand, you began to remember Raphael's words. 

* Flash Back*

Raphael said " Use your amulet. It'll lead you to the grimoire." He said as he flew away " I'll be watching you from afar. Be careful Y/N.

* End of Flash Back*

You thought ' Okay, I should try to search the grimoire here. Maybe one of these mirrors might be able to show me where it is.' You walk through the hall of mirrors as you held your amulet. After a few hours of walking, you felt your amulet glowing brighter. You thought ' I must be getting close.' You turn to see a large mirror standing in front of you. You tilted your head in confusion " Huh? A big mirror?" You placed your hand on the mirror, suddenly you noticed a hand pressed against the mirror on the opposite side. You looked up to see whose hand was it. When you found out who the person was, your eyes widen in shock. You mumbled under your breath as you stared at the figure " Ritsuka?" 

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