Chapter 20 - Sent from above

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd Person's P.O.V

You heard a voice saying " Y/N! Wake up." You woke up and saw Ritsuka. Ritsuka asked " Is everything okay? You were sweating a lot." You stood up " Yeah, just a bad dream." Ritsuka asked, " Are you sure?" You smiled " It's alright. You don't have to worry about me." Ritsuka puffed her cheeks out " Of course I do." She added, " We're sisters, it's my job to take care of you." You chuckled " You've grown a lot, haven't you?" You thought ' How long has it been? Feels like yesterday, she and I were just kids.'

* Flash Back

Twelve years ago, you were running through the forest. Ritsuka and Lindo were chasing after you " Y/N!" You laughed " Come on, you're too slow." Ritsuka tries to speed up " Hold up! You're gonna...." Ritsuka trips on a branch and falls. You turn around " Huh?" You saw Ritsuka holding her knee, Lindo was holding her. You ran towards her " Ritsuka!." You bend down to Ritsuka " Are you alright?" Ritsuka nodded, trying to hold back tears. You said " I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Ritsuka looked up, you looked at her knee. You thought, ' I think I have a bandaid in my backpack.' You pulled out your backpack and opened it. Ritsuka asked, " Am I going to be, okay?" Lindo smiled " Of course." You grabbed the bandaid and placed it on Ritsuka's knee.  You look at Ritsuka " Come on, there's no reason to cry." You asked, " Where's that smile?" Ritsuka sniffled, you repeated "Hello? Where's my pretty smile?" Lindo chuckled " Do you want the tickle monster to get you?" Ritsuka shook her head, you tickled Ritsuka's stomach " You better run. He's gonna get you."  Ritsuka said, " Stop!" She started giggling " Y/N!"  You three started laughing, you placed your hand on Ritsuka's cheek " You have a pretty smile." Ritsuka blushed " Y/'re embarrassing me."  You replied, " But it's true." You patted Ritsuka " It'll be okay. We'll take good care of you."  Ritsuka chuckled " Okay." 

* End of FlashBack

You heard the door open; you turn your head to see Lindo. Lindo said, " Oh, Good Morning. I can see you're both awake." He walks in " I'm doing laundry. Where're your dirty clothes?" You smiled " Good Morning, Lindo." You got up from your bed and walked towards the window. You tried to open it but, something was holding it. You looked out the window to see a lock. Ritsuka asks " What's wrong?" You turned to Lindo " Did you do this?" Lindo tilted his head " Did what?." You grunted " Don't lie to me. What are you doing?" Lindo sighed " I'm sorry, I have to protect you." He added " Please, don't take this wrong. I just want you both to be safe." You replied " I thought we talked about this. I was going to protect Ritsuka." Lindo asked " What would happen if you were gone? Who's gonna protect her then?" Ritsuka looked at Lindo then you, she was panicking. Ritsuka asked " Y/N?" You took a breath, you looked at Ritsuka " I'll be out in a minute. Just wait for me, okay?" Ritsuka hesitated for a second, she nodded and left the room. Lindo said " Y/N, I don't have to be reminded again. If you were in my shoes, you would do the same." You asked " Lindo, should I really trust you?" Lindo tilted his head in confusion, you said: " There's a rumor that you're an exorcist, is that true?" Lindo gasped; he lowered his head. After a few moments of silents, you thought ' I he was telling the truth.' 

* Time Skip

Lindo was sitting on your bed; you were sitting right beside him. Lindo asks, " Do you remember that grandpa was studying demons and vampires?" You nodded, Lindo said " He was the top researcher. Unfortunately, he was attracting wicked and unholy creatures." You said, " You mean, the demons and vampires killed our grandpa." Lindo answered " Yes, he was strike with a fatal curse. That's why we kept you both away as he passed." He added, " I was with him in his final moments. Grandpa told me to protect our family, that's why I became an exorcist." You asked, " But why?" Lindo looked at you " All of this devil and vampire stuff has got me hammered since I was a kid. The folk lore, the demonology, all of it." You asked, " Did mom know about this?" Lindo nodded " She got you both to wear those pedants, to pope away evil." He asked, " Have been cleaning yours?" You replied " Well, not really. But what do I got to do with this?" Lindo grabs your amulet " Yours specifically was mended by the heavens, a blessing from the gods. You're a full-blood angel." You remember the time when you first got your wings. 

You thought ' So, I really am an angel. But, if I'm an angel, then where's my real family?' You asked " What happened to my mom? My real one?" You added, " If you want me to trust you, then I need to know who I am. Please, I promise Ritsuka I'd protect her." Lindo looks away " I don't think the time to talk is now. Let's just save it for another day." You sighed, Lindo got up from your bed " As long as the monsters are out there, I need to keep you safe." He looked over his shoulder " I'll be out for a while. Stay with Ritsuka." You grunted, " Lindo, we're not done talking!" Lindo walks towards the door " Goodbye Y/N." You yelled as you watched him leave " Hey! Where are you going?" You grabbed the pillow and held it to your chest. You thought ' So there's vampires and demons. But which side do the angels play?' You held your head up " I had enough of this." You got up from your bed and walked towards the door. You peaked out your head " Ritsuka!." Ritsuka was sitting at the table, she turns to you, and you said " Grab your uniform. We're leaving." 

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