The Promise

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Authors note: ⚠️ This chapter contains mature content, mainly at the end, so if it makes you uncomfortable please feel free to skip it. And if not I hope you enjoy. ;)


Hannah: Right I'm going to go, I've made it awkward enough already, must be a family trait. Once again I am so sorry, can we please keep this between us?

Jake: Of course Hannah.

MC: Absolutely! but before you go, i just wanted to ask, how are the others?

Hannah: Well after my little performance I'd say better than me, but In all honesty the sooner you let them know you're alive the better, their not the same without the both of you, they've all started to drift apart, you all went through alot together, and I think they need you back, you should tell them.

MC: Thank you Hannah.

With that she leaves and Jake closes the door dehind her, we walk back to the living area, the atmosphere is now pretty awkward after the current events.

MC: So that's your sister huh? Nice girl.

Jake can't help but chuckle at my remark.

Jake: You always know how to brighten the mood MC, but I am sorry, I really never expected to come back to that, as i am sure you didn't either. But at least she understands now.

MC: Yea about that, I wouldn't let your guard down just yet.

Jake: What do you mean?

MC: look we know she suffered from depression and hallucinations, she then gets kidnapped, held hostage and shot by a madman, then she holds a gun to my head and declares her love for you, she is not ok Jake. That's not something you just snap out of! She needs proper help and soon before she does something really stupid. Just remember she was more than happy to shoot Thomas and I today so she can have you all to herself!

Jake: Fuck! Yeah your right! Let's wait to hear from Alan then I'll speak to Lilly about it and look at getting Hannah help.

MC: I think it's best, just remember I'm here to help in anyway i can.
So Thomas did he do it?

Jake: He did, he's now in police custody, Alan will let us know once he has made a confession and then we can tell the others that we are both safe. You miss them don't you?

MC: I do, I really do, but not as much as I've missed you.

He smiles at me sweetly and embraces me tightly, before placing his index finger under my chin until my eyes meet his.

Jake: I've missed you too MC, I was so proud of you today, you faced your tormentors, with more strength and valour than i ever could of imagined! I will forever be in awe of you!

MC: I was only strong because of you Jake, you are my strength, every minute of everyday!

He kisses me with such passion, igniting a fire within me, he is all I'll ever need in this life. His hand is in my hair, and the other around my waist, as we get completely lost in one another, embracing the moment, then he pulls back and places a tender kiss to my forehead.

Jake: MC I just need to get my equipment out of the car, do you need anything?

MC: I'm good thank you, do you mind if I have a shower? I want to rid myself of today's events.

Jake: Why would I mind, make yourself comfortable, there's an en suite in the bedroom, you can use that, and there's already towels in there for you, I'll just grab my things and use the other one.

His last breath.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora