The Melt

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After all the drinks and the long loreful conversation you got to have with the Captain, admittedly some liquid courage at play... Things got fuzzy real fast and at some point you called it a night. Now, what wasn't fuzzy was the damn headache you woke up to along with a sharp knock to your door– which opens without your permission as always. Your Captain and acting teacher with a glass of water and some painkillers standing at your bedside.

"Morning... Thought you might need these after the night you had. "

Grunting, you find safety in the crook of your arm from the blinding light and as beautiful as the view was, you'd also kill to be in some wild boar's den for the day. "You drink like a Snezhnayan frat boy, sir..."

He laughs and offers the remedy again, "I'd like to think I'm more refined than a 'frat boy'... Who was the one who helped who back to headquarters, again?"

Pouting, you take the water and medicine polishing both off quickly so the taste of slime coalescent won't linger. "Thank you Sir Kaeya..." Though, it came out defeatedly, a little guilty. If the headmaster, or Barbatos forbid other Captains found out about your night of teen spirited drinking... It's times like these you're grateful Kaeya's the one overseeing you, though technically it was his fault to begin with. To your surprise, he takes a seat on the edge of your bed, hands cupped loosely in his lap as he stares. "You're welcome." His eyes linger to your bandaged forearm, "Sure you want to 'study' today?"

"Is that an offer?" You meant it as a joke, there's no way in hell you'd let a bad hangover or even a scratch take away a day of training even if it was just deskwork. Your stomach says otherwise but, you'll probably live. "Well..." He starts, reaching to place the back of his palm against your forehead. "If I was a betting man, I'd say you usually don't drink that much, you might have a fever."

And it happens again, where you can't shake his eye off of yours. It happens for a second and then you're trapped. It honestly makes you feel like a shy schoolgirl, like you're stuck in your own personal box with just him. You've read about time stopping when two people see each other, but they don't just see each other... It's something completely different. But, with him it's like looking into the fog of Wolvendom, beautiful and mysterious with all sorts of dangerous things about.

You place your hand on his ushering for him to move it off purely out of fluster, but he instead slides it to cup your cheek and you both speak at the same time.

"Definitely a fever-" You say, ready for this to be over.

"You just love to-" He says lowly, eye slant and unfocused.

It was probably the first time you've seen him at a loss for words, even before you got to meet him personally. His eye wide and brows furrowed as if his grand monologue had just disappeared into thin air, it'd be cute if you could actually process it.

"I ' just love to,' what?" It tumbles out of your mouth, an awkward situation already made worse, it always seems to goes this way with him.

He pauses owlishly as though he'd had a slip of the tongue, "Just... get some rest." He says, already moving for the door.


He shrugs off your protest about as fast as you began it, "Oh, don't worry. I'm finally giving you that break."

And he leaves you in bed trying to piece together, yet again, what just happened. He always leaves you like this, with questions. Questions that don't have enough evidence to form answers, he's cold then he's hot. One second he wants to know all about you and the next he's being the bitchiest person you've ever met for no damn reason. Hangover or not, you're getting some damn answers. You manage to catch him on his way back to the office, calling 'Captain' a little louder than you'd wished to. He whips around, that shocked expression back on his face as he quiets you with a finger to his own mouth signaling to 'Shut it.'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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