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Kaeya let you train on your own after that little episode for a bit. He'd instruct you here and there about what you could change or do more of but other than that, he was pretty hands-off. You thought for a moment that you might've freaked him out, maybe the eye contact plus skin contact was too forward... But, I mean he did it first so it's not really your fault.

"That training dummy too weak for you now?" He calls out from the stable post he's leaning against.

You try and maintain focus like before, he definitely noticed your mind wandering, and knowing him he probably knows the reason why too. "No! It's just repetitive..." You paused your jabbing to look towards him, "I can only hit a glorified mannequin so many times."

He harks a laugh which feels like a stab at your ego but that's just the Captain for you.

"You want me to jump in for a little while? You could get some person-to-person experience in?"

Before you could answer he was already shimmying out of his gilded vest, but he to go easy on you, right? I mean he's built for battle and trained for it, and you?

Well, you've got heart.

"No, Captain- Sir, I can't-" You protest, you know you wouldn't stand a chance against him. Even in training he's intimidating, he always is. Watching him on the battlefield, in demos, he's always polished and ready to strike whatever he's up against dead. He can't actually hurt you even if he wanted to, you know that but the thought still lingers.

There's just something about him, it's wrong but it's there.

"I'm your teacher, it's what I'm supposed to do. Plus, we need to make up for lost time, Master Jean won't like a boring quiz report now would she?"

He saunters closer and you can't help but hold your blade as if you've never seen a sword before. Surely he could just lie on the report, right? It's what he's good at anyway, he's great at it even, hell he's known for it. This is just to fuck with you, to freak you out, it has to be.

Something about him, that something about him just makes you panic. It stirs a weird concoction of things in your stomach, arousal, fear, who knows anymore. Getting to work with him has been entertaining to say the least but you couldn't wait for it to be over because this has got to be the most unstable connection you've made in a lifetime.

"You ready?" He chuckles, playing with the edge of his sword as if he were caressing the edge of a flower he'd just picked.

"I dunno..." You reply, doe-eyed in fear. "Maybe, could we use the... the training swords. The wooden ones..."

He groans and rolls his eyes, tugging your sword from your hands. "You know, you're a real mood killer... how else am I supposed to whip you into shape if you can't even work your way around a standard Favonian brand, hm?" Next thing you know he jabs your sword into the center of the dummy's chest, core of the painted red circle. "Fear is motivation and I know you've got fight in you, hell you love giving me attitude when you can. You also know I can't hurt you so everything's safe, I promise."

Your brows knit at his 'promise.' Last time you were promised safety in battle, he left your team to go on a killing frenzy and you got your ribs bashed in by a Mitachurl. But, he has a point, but it's also just something you're not ready for.

"No, really, I think we should use the-"

Suddenly you're shoved to the ground, eye-level to the edge of his blade.

"This is my class, squire. Now, how are you going to get out of this one?"

A test, it's a test.

Captain | Kaeya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now