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Walking through the front yard of the Venture Compound right behind Rusty, he opened the door to the place and she stared around the building in awe. This place was huge. And expensive looking. Following him through the house, eventually they got to what looked to be a bedroom and almost annoyedly he told her,

"Here. You can sleep here if you want."

"Sleep? I guess I am kinda tired." Kitty walked over and fell back against the bed, wrapping her body up in the blankets that sat on top. "These blankets are soft."

Rolling his eyes Rusty replied, "Of course it's soft, it's cashmere. So if you're gonna get sick wineo, do it in the bathroom over there."

"I'm not gonna get sick, silly." Kitty was still obviously very drunk and smiled at Rusty as she looked over at him,

"Thanks for letting me crash at your place."

Thinking about where he should go to sleep for the night, Kitty saw how awkward he looked and told him,

"You can sleep in the bed too if you want. I won't bite."

Feeling sleepy, Kitty rested her head on the pillow and for the first time in a long time, drifted into a dreamless sleep, one that was peaceful and calm. All darkness. No dreams were better than bad ones.

Watching the girl laying in his bed from the doorway of his room, Rusty thought about what to do. She did offer to let him sleep in the bed... and he really didn't want to sleep on the couch. Walking across the room, Rusty climbed into bed and got under the covers, being courteous by keeping his distance on the other side of the bed but longing for the faint warmth her body emitted from the side she slept on. Kitty now started to lightly snore and Rusty felt himself chuckle quietly when he heard it, then very suddenly Kitty rolled over in her sleep and arms reaching for something, and unknowingly wrapped around him in a hug. Pulling him towards her, like someone would a pillow, Kitty embraced him tightly against her chest and Rusty's eyes widened with shock when this happened. Carefully, Rusty peeled himself away from her and edged himself towards the other side of the bed more, feeling almost bad she'd grabbed him like that in her sleep.

Then, turning on his side, Rusty too started to fall asleep, slowly but surely. It wasn't very hard even though someone else was in his bed, and before he knew it, he was also sound asleep.


Blinking her eyes to the sunlight that had just started to peek through the windows, Kitty felt the fluffy blankets around herself and the warmth from a cozy bed and didn't want to get up. Then she slowly and drowsily realized something as she started to wake up.

This wasn't her bedroom.

Eyes widening with bewilderment, Kitty's eyes scanned the room and then to her shock, realized she was nestled against someone who was in the same bed as herself. Very gently, as to not wake the person, Kitty crept out of bed and spotted her bag on the ground, seeing some of the hair from her wig barely poking out of the top. This caused her stomach to drop. Had they seen her costume? What if they now had some idea about her horrible secret? Turning her head to see that it was the man Rusty she'd met at the Galas home she was now in, she scooped up her bag nervously, making sure it was closed. Unsure of how she'd gotten to his house or why she was laying in his bed with him and hoping she didn't get so drunk that they'd had relations, Kitty hoped to god he hadn't seen her costume and left the room, closing the door silently behind herself so as to not wake him.

"Good morning." A voice caused her to jump while her back was turned and whipping around to see who it was, Kitty realized that Rusty's bodyguard was standing at the counter of what looked to be a kitchen she'd just walked into. Putting her hand on her forehead, Kitty breathed a sigh of relief and told him,

"You startled me!"

And it was easy for him to. This man was incredibly tall, maybe even close to six and a half feet tall. He was a mountain of muscles, and his blonde curly mullet was messy as he sipped the cup of coffee he held in his hand. Even though he was calm, he was still incredibly intimidating to her and she tried her best not to cower in his presence.

"Sorry." Taking a drink of his coffee, he stood up from his chair and went for the pot, pouring himself another glass. "Would you like some coffee?"

Realizing that due to her anxiousness she'd been subconsciously ignoring the throbbing headache she felt as a result of her hangover, Kitty felt anxious enough after realizing that Rusty might've saw her suit and replied,

"I'm fine, thank you."

Holding her heels in one hand and her bag in the other, Kitty left through the front door and hailed a taxi, so she could head home. Waking up in his bed shortly after she'd left, Rusty felt himself searching the room and to his dismay, Kitty had already left and was no longer lying in bed beside him. Tired from having to be up so late, Rusty left his room and smiled when he saw Brock already in the kitchen. Going over to the coffee maker, Rusty poured himself a cup and yawned sleepily,

"Morning Brock."

"Hey doc. How'd you sleep?" Brock asked, eyebrow raised out of curiosity and sleepily Rusty sat at the kitchen table and replied,

"Really good actually."

Assuming that Rusty had slept with the beautiful woman he saw trying to sneak out of the house earlier this morning, Brock set his empty cup on the counter and as he left the room, slapped Rusty on the back as if congratulating him,

"Good for you, Doc."

Rusty was jerked forward from the sudden force, his glasses nearly falling off, and turning to watch Brock as he left the room he felt confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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