Sandra the Tweenage Witch

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And now, back to Sandra the Tweenage Witch!

Driving up to a house in his car, a dark haired tween walked up to the front door and knocked. A bouquet of flowers was held in his hands and smiling when the door opened he asked,

"You ready to go to the dance, Sandra?"

A short haired blonde girl with a headband and blue dress smiled back and replied,

"What's the worst that could happen?"

Cutting to the house Sandra came from, two women dressed in witches costumes paced around worriedly.

"Oh Glinda! I'm so worried about her! What if they find out?"

"That she's a witch? Bah!" Glinda waved her hand apathetically and shrugged,

"She'll be fine, Blaire! As long as she keeps her wits about her!"

"Sandra, how long have we been together for?" The dark haired boy asked and shrugging her shoulders she replied,

"Two years... why?"

"I don't want there to be any secrets between us. And the entire time we've been together, it seems you've been hiding something from me." The boy told her and shaking her head Sandra told him,

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm an open book!"

A laugh track was played and Sandra shrugged at the camera coyly, because they knew her secret when he didn't.

"Alright, I trust you. You can tell me anything you want. Whenever you want." The boy reassured her and suddenly, the screen went black. Sitting on the couch, Kitty stared at her younger self in awe. She was adorably innocent when she was younger. And naive. Tossing the tv remote on the couch beside herself, she stood up and walked towards the window, watching over the city skyline and the many lights that glowed into the night. Seeing the cars go by on the freeway made her want to go somewhere and smiling grimly, she suddenly knew exactly where she wanted to go.

Getting in her car, Kitty drove off into the night and then finally parked near an alleyway, undressing to reveal an outfit hidden underneath her clothes. A red spandex one piece suit and a wig and mask to match. Leaving her bag hidden, she dashed out into the night, slinking through the shadows and jumping over building rooftops to get to her final destination.

A very tall skyscraper, one that looked terribly important, and getting what looked to be a bomb ready, Kitty felt herself suddenly being watched. Turning around hastily, Kitty was knocked to the ground and her eyes widened when she saw who had caught her.

"Jesus Christ!"

"Who are you supposed to be?" The man's voice asked, calm and curiously. Looking up at him, Kitty was horrified when she saw him. His skin was blood red and shrunken around his face, making his head skull shaped. He wore a giant cloak, and much like the Grim Reaper held a large scythe. Swallowing hard at such a horrifying sight, Kitty kept her composure and replied as bravely as possible,

"I'm the Lynx."

"Oooh... sounds frightful." The red skulled man told her with a tone of sarcasm in his voice and looking down at her he asked,

"And what are you doing here?"

Kitty wasn't sure how to respond to that kind of question. What she was doing was extremely illegal. Then again this man was so horrifying, she seriously doubted he'd be the kind of person to narc her out to the police.

"Killing my enemy."

"First time?" The man asked almost ironically and then started to laugh at the joke he'd made. "I can tell you're new at this sort of thing."

Feeling embarrassed at the fact that she seemed like an amateur, Kitty told him,

"New? I've been plotting to kill him for years. I always get so close... and then somehow I'm stopped seemingly by some invisible force."

"Who's your arch?" The red man asked curiously and confused, Kitty asked,

"My... arch?"

"You know! Your arch enemy!" He told her as if it were the obvious answer and thinking that was a weird way to put it, Kitty answered regardless,

"Oh... Johnathan Brooks."

The red skulled man put his finger under his chin as if he were thinking,

"The rich CEO? I don't think he's registered. And neither are you..."

"Registered?" Kitty was still confused and chuckling at her ignorance he replied,

"You don't know about the Guild... you are a villain, aren't you?"

"A villain?" Kitty stared down at her ensemble and then squinted her eyes up at him awkwardly,

"I'm not a villain!"

Putting his hands up defensively in a playful way, the man showed he was clearly unbothered by her and replied,

"I'm not here to judge. But you're sneaking into your arch enemies home to murder him in the middle of the night. Sounds like a villain to me. And by the looks of it, one with a great choice in color."

Kitty stood there, thinking about her life choices and how things had come to this point up until now and smirking at her, the man told her,

"Good luck with the..." and brought his hand across his neck, making a slicing sound as he did so.

"And if you want to get serious about's a number you can call."

The red man gently tossed her what looked to be a business card of sorts and then jumped off of the rooftop, landing on what looked to be a flying horse of sorts and flying away into the night. Picking up the card and seeing that all it had was a sort of dragon symbol and a phone number on it, Kitty started to think about this bizarre encounter. The way she'd been called a villain by someone who definitely looked evil, Kitty decided to leave the rooftop, change into her normal clothes and contemplate her life choices. Grabbing a bottle of cheap wine from the store, Kitty now sat on the edge of a billboard and thought about her life while she got very very drunk. She'd been wronged. So wronged. And if getting her revenge made her a villain, then maybe she really was a villain. Standing up on the platform that the billboard sat on, Kitty drunkenly threw the bottle and heard it shatter on the ground, nearly empty at this point. Then feeling empowered she yelled into the night,

"I am a villain!"

Walking through the streets, Kitty thought about how easy it would be for someone to swoop her up in her drunken stupor and then thought about what she should do next. She was pretty far from home and didn't want to get lost or in trouble, so stumbling down the sidewalk she suddenly remembered the phone number she had scribbled down on a gum wrapper in her pocket.

"Hello? Is this Rusty?" Kitty felt herself ask, speech slurred as she did so.

"Yes...wait, who is this?" Rusty started to ask suspiciously over the phone as if he were afraid this were a prank caller and quickly she explained,

"Wait no... this is Kitty. I'm in the city and I wanted to know if you possibly wanted to see me?"

"Wait... it's almost one in the morning and you're just strolling through town? Where are you?" Rusty asked and giggling into the phone she replied hazily,

"I'm at a payphone right now... I'm not entirely sure where in the city I'm at. I see mountains... if that helps."

"We're in Colorado! There's mountains everywhere!" Rusty replied over the phone and giggling Kitty told him,

"You're funny when you're angry, you know."

"I'm not angry..." Rusty started to protest and then sighed as if trying to stop himself from getting frustrated, "Do you see any street signs around?"

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