first act of deppression

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he followed them, as he followed the mysterious man, he leap in the air landing on the roof running as james ran after him, james would jump on a balcony and parkoured on the roof as they started jumping one roof to another, the mysterious man jump to the crowd towards the lake, he went after the person,when he turned the guy around, he noticeed he used switch manipulation as he saw dean, dean said 

dean-oh, uhm how did i get here?

 james would get frustrated as james said

james- oh nothing, its something...nice seeing you again tho

 dean would fall asleep mid talk, james would shout 


 dean would open hes eyes saying 

dean- jinx ya dumbass

 james would sigh as he walked away, deans friend would talk to him again saying 

ed- are you sure you dont want to stay dean, that kid might need you again

 dean would take a sip of hes whiskie saying 

dean-that kid doesnt need me anymore,he knows hes own stuff gotta admitt, but clever he can be cant tell what he has and future

 hes friend slapped the boat saying 

dean-  alright alright, now hurry and get on we're moving our asses

 dean would get on the ship, james was walking back to hes house, he put down hes things on the table until he heard a crash in his house, james grabbed a broom and went to check it, when he kicked down the door he saw nothing, but he got knocked out from behind,james  was in hes deepest taughts, as we went deeper...deeper...and deeper until he heard toms voice saying help, james looked around there was nothing until tom appeared missing 2 of hes eyes had blood coming out from toms mouth and eyes, james eyes would start to glow but change color, red to yellow, red to yellow, red to yellow rapidly as he woke up tied up to a chair, james would break free easily and opened a portal grabbing hes sword, as someone from the darkness talked and said 

unknown- well james, its surprising to see you doing fine

 he would stand up and noticing it was hes old friend harry, he hugged him and grabbed hes ear saying 

james- what the hell were you thinking breaking into my house and knocking me out you ass

 harry would apolagize and said 

harry- well heh...remember gabriel, dax and the others, we need your help again, there someone robbed and stole everything and took over the base and your the only person who is strong enough to help us

 james would smile behind the mask

james- of course i will help you, after all we are like brothers

harry smiled and opened a portal gathering 4 people, they teleported to the base, as james went first and flew in, as harry and the others followed when they got in the middle of the base james looked confused as he heard harry laughing at the back saying 

harry- you massive did not know, you were being played this whole time...that old bitch said you were like him...wise and always 2 steps ahead of everyone...but he was wrong

 james would see alot of humans, angels and demons serrounding him and asked 

james- harry whats going on

harry would laugh laugh in a wickedly way and said 

harry- YOUR SUCH, an idiot you still dont have a look

 harry would throw a paper to james as he catched it reading "wanted demon, $2000.000 dead bring he's body to the 2nd warlord" , as he looked up saying 

james- you did this...just for money, all of you did we knew all each other for years

harry said 

harry- maybe...but first come first serve and i also got someone

 harry would hold out daniels head as james look at the head traumatized saying 

james-i tought...we were brothers

 harry would shout


 every demon, humans and angels would fire with arrows light and black magic, others used weapons and magic as james tried to reason with them, james lowered he's guard and he was taking hits, as he fell to hes knees covered with blood, harry raised hes hands and they all stopped attacking and said 

harry-you know james, i never did like you everyone here never did, we only needed you for your strengh and for your intelligence everything we said was a lie, everything we did was a myth, and everything we promised about was nothing but lie's, you should learn that no one will like you, sure you got new friend's but i doubt they'll like you in the future,they will follow the same path as we did,your nothing james but trash to us, a little puppet to do our deed's, dax finish him off, i dont want blood all over my clothe's

dax walked up to him and aimed hes spear to hes head saying 

dax-may your blood bless us with cash

dax would push down now as james  sword came flying to him pushing the spear away, as dax and james floating sword had a duel, james had half of hes energy left so hes sword came flying to him as he puts on hes hood crying and said 

james- ...if this is how you guys think, there is no reason to keep you all alive

 james would fight them as he gets more wounds and scars,the battle nearly lasted 4 hours when he killed everyone he turned hes head slowly seeing harry shaking, he slowly walked as blood drip down on his face, to hes body, harry said 

harry-H-HEY buddy, we're brothers r-right james

 james eyes was filled with tears and blood saying 

james-...your not my brother, not anymore

 james would turn around walking away slowly as he ignored the pain, on the way out he opened a portal as explosives fall out and heard harry's cry for help to james saying he's sorry, james wanted to help him but hes heart was shattered from the betrayal he got from hes childhood friends, james would snap he's finger's as the base exploded, he went back to kanoca kingdom as many people stared at him, medics and guards ran toward's him, to aid him but james refused, but the guard asked what happened to him,james was too tired to keep it a secret, so he explained everything, and thats how he got the nickname,the living shadow, people were scared of james, and talked about him in a kind way, and in a bad way, as alot of true and fake rumors spread,he continued walking as he opened the door, almost falling face first to the ground he got catched by he's sword, and gently put him down on the chair, the sword would use it's abilities to wrap james in bandages, and layed him to he's bed, the sword would go back to it's place james woke up after few short hour's he sat up and looked at he's hand, realizing he slaughtered he's own friend's, he covered he's face and started crying

-to be continue'd

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