a new chapter

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james met a human and an angel name  alex and evelyn, james would pull out hes sword as he looked at those two as evelyn shouted

evelyn- WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH, calm down we dont want any fight

 as james said 

james- ...your words i can believe but a hands of an angel with you tells me otherwise

 as james eyes would glow red while he stares at the angels eyes, the angel would look back feeling the holy spirit by hes side, alex would keep staring at james as he ignored alex, 

james- so whats that white bitch name

the angel would get angry as evelyn said

evelyn-OH, sorry my manners im evelyn and this is my friend alex

 james would look at evelyns horns, 

james-what creature are you...

 evelyn sighed 

evelyn-im like you, a demon im just hiding my wings

 james would look at them confused 

james- an...angel and a demon working together....huh

 alex would teleport infront of him 

alex- and you got a problem with that

 james would slowly turn hes eye to his as he deeply stared into hes eyes making him look at hes worse nightmare, trembling in fear alex would pull out hes holy blade as evelyn shouted no, alex would swing at the speed of light, as the blade stopped on james face in an inch as evelyn and alex looks confused, james would chuckle a bit 

james- oh my bad let me just...

 james would tap the blade as it burnt hes finger a bit but sending a strong shock wave knocking those 2 down

evelyn-oh i know our friendship will be good by that shockwave

 he would smile as evelyn laughed, as james help those 2 got up james told them what he was doing and evelyn offered an assistants, james hesitated and alex wanting to go now, as from the annoyment that he got from evelyn he finally agreed and alex follows behind anoyyed aswell,  after hours passed by they made a camp, as the angel falls asleep 2 demons stayed up talking, evelyn asked 

evelyn-so did you love someone before

 james would look at her saying 

james-...what the hell is that question and no, never experience'd love before

 as evelyn went close to him saying 

evelyn- never really, not even a kiss?

 james said yes as evelyn said 

evelyn-well ill be the first demon to be your first kiss

 evelyn would go for the kiss as he blocked your lips saying

james-sorry but no...i rather get MURDERED to kiss your bump ass lips, your a kind but we just met

 evelyn would pout

evelyn-im sorry...its just im starting to have mixed feelings about you

james-just what?

 evelyn would turn red 

evelyn-its...been a while since i have seen a demon like me

 james would sigh 

james-well look harder sweetheart, you just need to get better eye sight you moron

 evelyn would laugh, as time passed by and morning came, they walked to the kingdom, they said there goodbyes but before james could walk away alex called him saying your not going anywhere without a duel, james looks anoyyed and without hesitation or letting him finished he accepted, alex would teleport them to the  dueling field, as evelyn sat down sweating, james and alex get ready, they bow to each other and alex pulls out the holy blade, for james he pulled out hes sword, but he's entire blade turned black, as alex looks at he's blade asking 

alex- what's up with your sword

 james would smile behind he's mask

james-  well its just all my pain and suffering, screams from every souls that was slaughtered by my hand, goes to this sword, and those creatures deserved it

 alex would look discusted as counted down,when alex said zero alex ran behind hes back at the speed of light making it look like he teleported as he swinged james eyes turned red again, turning around quickly blocking hes attacks, alex continued moving with the speed of light as james blocks every swing he does, james would swing hard making him let go from hes blade, as he notice the holy blade is on the ground he would try to kick james, he would grabbed hes legs slamming him to the ground, as he smiled behind the mask, evelyn would run to alex,he would heal himself slowly saying

alex- who teached you...no one can match my speed

 james would shrug saying 

james- if you want to know my secrets them fine, my secret to it is lifting 1 avocado and every avocado is heavy

 alex and evelyn would scream at him together saying

alex and evelyn- WHAT ARE YOU A DUMBASS

 james would say yes, alex approved him and said to james one day he will meet him again for a rematch, james said hes gonna destroy him again waving goodbye taking a different path, when he arrived inside the castle, he waited in the line for 5 min, when it was he's turn the king said 

king-ah james what bring's you here?

 james eyes would stop smiling behind hes mask 

james-...your a liar, retreat your men, because that village is innocent, i talked to the town leader, and you lied

 the king would smile saying

king- your a massive fool to say that to me while theres an army red guards on my side, GUARDS KILL THIS DEMON

 as 50 red guard's come down rushing pointing there spear at james, he would say 

james- ...you do not judge a book by its cover...that village is my family now so, you mess with my family, you will pay for your sin

 james would use black magic summoning tentacles crushing the red guards, more redguards came as they lead the king somewhere safe, james would single handed fight the red guards as the red guards are managing to stab him he would hold the pain as james flied up as purple smoke started to come out of hes sword he came flying back down as the castle exploded,james would say 

james-just a little warning

 he would walk away as he settles down from the east camp, a bird drops down giving him a news paper flying away as he sees the emperors and reads the news saying 

james-looks like there advanceed...its been years since i said ill get revenge even tho it will lead to nothing, its...ugh, im gonna give up now i just gotta face the truth

 as the next day came, he went to elven's forest, seeing 4 demons infront him as one said

unknown demon- its been a while since we saw you james...how are you doing little bro

-to be continue'd

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