Part 3. Flash challenge

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"Psst. Baby"

Goddammit tatu baby
I reach over to my bed, grab my pillow and smack her in the face.

"SHIT WHAT HAPPENED" tatu baby yells sitting straight up

"Miss girl you forget where we are or somethin? We gotta competition to win" I tell

She smiles and throws the pillow back at me. I catch it and and smile at her before putting it back on my bed. Baby gets up and checks her phone. It's about 9 am and we have to be at the shop for the show at 10. I walk to my closet and pick out my outfit. I throw on jewelry, do my makeup, and hair.

Once I'm done I grab my phone and leave the room to go downstairs. I see some of the boys in the main living room eating McDonald's. Joey turns back to me

"You want any?" He asks

"Hell yeah" I say

He grabs a breakfast burrito from the back and tosses it to me. I catch it and open it. Where tf is Kat. I roll my eyes and eat my burrito and go up the stairs. I see tatu baby fully dressed laying face down. Jesus christ this girl.


"my bad damn" she says in a tired voice

"Bitch you better wake the fuck up we got shit to do" I say smiling

"Alright alright stop yelling damn." She smiles as she gets up

I wink at her and we walk the main room and baby grabs a breakfast burrito from the guys without asking. We walk out and decide to go to the shop. We start filming in half an hour so me and Kat chill at one of the sketching tables and wait.

After about 15 minutes everyone's mostly here besides the judges. The camera crew is getting set up and everyone gets a chance to look at their rooms. I go around and look at everyone's work on the wall to see what they're good at and what the competition looks like.

The judges all walk in together and we say our hellos to them. Dave smiles and waves at me which I return to him. The camera crew instructed all of us to get in a line and the judges to all stand in a row about 10 feet away from us. The camera crew counts us down.

5 4 3 2 1 action

Dave speaks as soon as they start rolling

"Hello everyone and welcome to Ink Master. You have been selected out of thousands of applications because we belive you are the best of the best."

Dave makes eye contact with me at the end.

I smile lightly at him

He introduced both of the judges chris Nunez and Oliver Peck. I love both of them they're extremely talented. I have a tattoo from Chris because he specializes in Japanese style tattoos and I have koi fish with flowers on my hip. It was my second tattoo I got.

"For today's flash challenge you will be tested on line work. You will be tattooing.... nautical stars."

I hear some of the tattoo artists sigh and a few

"Oh shit" here and there

Oliver Peck has a slight smirk on his face.

"Nuatical stars are famous for being heavy straight lines. Any mistake will be extremely noticeable. You have to make sure the way the body part moves works well with the star."

"You each will be given an hour to tattoo a randomly selected client" Dave Tells us

A bunch of people walk in one for each of us. There's tables with machines set up around and each model takes a seat somewhere. We're released to go to our clients and I run over to a guy with a pretty good amount of work done. I don't want a tattoo virgin for my first challenge.

Perfectly Inked- Dave Navarro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now