✬ --- ✦ Chapter two : How to make a love potion ✦ --✬

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Little clouds of steam were coming out of Maxi's mouth, proof that the early morning air was really cold. She was walking down the courtyard, her long red hair floating around her. She left the dormitory in a hurry so she didn't take the time to braid it as usual. Lately, she would go to sleep really late, working hard at night. No wonder she was extremely tired this morning.

Ruth is going to be the death of me ! It's like he tries to find new ways to make my life more difficult every time he has a new idea !

She quickly went through the covered corridors bordering the courtyard, her mind filled with murderous thoughts directed at her tutor. He had fixed a meeting with her early in the morning, several hours before their respective classes would start. She wondered why he chose this time in particular. He often complained about how tired he was himself after all.

Everything was empty and silent since it was still early so she looked like a spirit as she walked alone in the dimly lit hallways and stairs. Once at the entrance hall of the Academy, she tried to calm herself. After all, Ruth assured he will help her with her project; she should be a little grateful at least. The imposing doors were already opened and after a quick chat with the receptionists, she left the Academy's walls and stepped outside.

The weather was even colder, so she tried to roll up her collar to cover her neck better with no success and crossed the finely built moat bridge. If only she had taken a thicker coat !

A thick mist was covering the green hills and she could barely see the majestic mountains surrounding the area. If she had not been in a hurry, she would have stayed a moment to look at the scenery; the water calmly running, the colorful trees on the hills, and the majestic castle nestled against a mountain completed the painting.

She crossed another bridge spanning a stream then followed a narrow path along the water. Golden leaves were piling up everywhere as the trees were gradually getting barren. Maxi remembered she should soon go get herbs and mushrooms before the leaves make it too hard to find them. The woods were her primary source of ingredients so she often went outside the Academy's walls. It wasn't prohibited, but getting an authorization could be bothersome. Luckily working as an alchemist made it easier to have one. This time she headed in the opposite direction, down the hills.

At the end of the path, she saw an open area behind wooden fences. There were wooden dummies, magic symbols hastily engraved on the ground, and scorched grass scattered throughout the space - the school's training ground. It was her first time here. Advanced students could come there to put into practice dangerous magic and she heard they sometimes used living monsters as target practice. She clenched her teeth thinking how there was little chance she would ever use this place. Entering the place she looked around for Ruth; he asked her to meet him here.

She saw a group of people a little further and recognized her tutor easily thanks to his unique white hair. Then she froze. Three other men were talking with him and a shiver ran down her spine as she realised who. Their tall statures and deep blue uniforms were easily recognizable. What were members of the Remdragons doing here ? Maybe it was just a coincidence. After all, they must often use the place.

As she approached, she could feel her courage gradually leaving her body. She recognized one of them in particular, and she tried not to cringe at the painful memory from two weeks ago.

Just when she was about to turn around and leave, Ruth saw her and waved at her.

"Maximilian ! You're here, perfect !"

Max's cheeks turned red as she approached the group reluctantly.

"Guys, I present to you Maximilian. She's the one I was talking about. Max, here are Riftan, Uslin, and Gabel. They are here to help us with your work."

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