Chapter 3: Attack of the Lawn Machines

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Turbo Tech's new gadget was slowly and steadily beeping as Android and the Robo Squad continued to move. Android kept his eyes peeled and his hand ready to pull out his sword when the need would come up. As for Stronghold, he was looking too eager to fight.

"Look, I appreciate the concern and caution that you're showing here," said Stronghold. "But can't we move a little faster?"

"Easy, dude," said Android. "Let's not leap before we look. If the Cyber Force sees us, we'll be in a tight spot!"

"He's right," said Turbo Tech. "This gadget isn't just showing us where the Cyber Force is. It's also showing us the safest way to get there."

Stronghold sighed a little. "Sorry," he said. "It's been a few months since I broke some Cyber machines into pieces and I'm itching to break some more."

Android smiled at him. "No worries, dude," he said. "I know that breaking machines is what you do best!" He turned to Turbo Tech. "Status report please?"

"We should be arriving at this rate in about fifteen minutes," said Turbo Tech.

Android nodded as he and the boys kept moving. Soon, he began to feel as if they were being followed. He carefully turned his head to look around, but he couldn't find anyone there.

That's strange, he thought. I don't see anyone, but I feel like we're being followed. He slowly kept walking to keep up with his team when he heard a small snap. He whipped around with his sword drawn! No one was there!

He let out a sigh. "Dang it," he muttered. "I'm probably being paranoid again."

"Android," called Turbo Tech. Android ran over to his team, unaware of three pairs of eyes watching him.

"Geez, can you be more careful with your step," said a voice as two of the eye pairs glared at the other.

"Hey, cut me some slack," said a second voice. "I didn't even notice that loose twig there."

"Whatever," said a third voice. "Let's keep following them!"

Meanwhile, Android caught up to his teammates as they stood behind some small warehouses. He saw Turbo Tech point at a large abandoned warehouse. He glanced at the building and noticed that it was too quiet.

"Turbo, can you use your glasses to see inside the building?" He asked.

"That'll take a few seconds, but I can do that," said Turbo. He turned on his glasses and carefully looked at the warehouse. "Okay, I see some people being held hostage. There appear to be a few patrols inside. Plus, I see some cameras all around the perimeter." He turned to Android. "What's the plan?"

Android thought for a moment. "Turbo, can you hack the security system and shut off the cameras?"

Turbo nodded. "You bet I can," he said with a grin. "Faster than one of my lasers hitting its target!"

"Great," said Android with a smile. He turned to Stronghold. "Stronghold, are you up to destroying some machines?"

Stronghold grinned and cracked his knuckles. "You know it," he said. "I'm gonna enjoy ripping those machines apart!"

"That's what I was hoping for," said Android with a smirk. "Okay, so after Turbo Tech hacks the security system, Stronghold will go in and break the Cyber Guards before moving on to other machines. While that's happening, I'll go and free the hostages. Does that sound good?"

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