Character Info 2: Richard Strong

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Name: Richard Strong

Age: 16

Hero name: Stronghold

Robotic part: None

Weapon: Robotic gauntlet

Likes: Alex, Sam, Clover, Andrew, Benjamin, working out, breaking Cyber Machines, scaring bullies, spending time at the gym

Dislikes: Bullies, Mandy, the Cyber Force, seeing his friends cry, people who pick on the weak, bad guys

Personality: Strong, loyal, eager to fight, aggressive when angry, confident, rash

Love Interest: Alex

Richard Strong is one of Andrew's best friends. Having been bullied for being weak, he decided to make himself strong in order to fight off bullies who pick on the weak. He was often known as the "bully tormentor," due how scary he can be to bullies. Despite his temper, he's very protective of his friends.

He found a mysterious robotic gauntlet that crashed in his backyard one night when he was alone. He discovered that it granted him super strength while covering him in red robotic armor. He went on to learn kung fu and martial arts in order to fight properly.

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