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"Rumer will you get up?!" Nany yells in my face while she ferociously shakes me.

"I thought we agreed that once you moved out, these surprise visits would stop!" I regret allowing her to keep her set of keys after she decided to move out to be with Jeremy.

"What are you doing here this early anyway?" I questioned while groaning.

She stands ignoring my question. "I need you to get dressed and come across the hall." She instructs. She opens my curtains, allowing the sun to hit me directly in the face.

Okay​ this bitch has officially lost her mind!

"You must be out of your damn mind!" I scream as she exits my bedroom. "Honestly who does this girl think she is...coming into my apartment and demanding shit!" I continue.

Minutes later I felt my self gasping for air as Nany threw a cup of cold water in my face!

Immediately jumping out of bed, I pick up one of my pillows and hit her in the face. "What is so fucking important that you had to drench me and my bed in water?!" 

"You'll see," she says with a mischievous smile. "Now get dressed and meet me across the hall!" She waves a quick goodbye before leaving.

"What a bitch." I mumble.

If somebody isn't dying in the next apartment I swear! Sighing, I throw on my sweatshirt and slip on my Tom's. I grab my phone and keys before leaving, purposely slamming the door behind me.

Not bothering to knock, I walk right into the apartment across the hall. "OK I'm here, where's the body?" I say while throwing myself face first onto the couch.

"NANY??" I scream. "What the hell is th-" my face instantly turns into a frown, when I see Jacob come out of the nearby room.  Glancing up at him, I look around and notice all the unopened boxes scattered on the floor. 

Touching the bridge of nose, I say a silent prayer.

God are you doing this because I cheated on my math exam in high school.

It was only one time.

Okay so maybe it was more then once, but honestly who was I really hurting?

"Surprise, I'm your new neighbor!" He says a little too excitedly.

A surprise it was indeed!

"Greaaatt!" I say with a forced smile. Looking around, I notice that his apartment was quite similar to my own. In regard to the layout of course.

Rounding the corner, I hear Nany's voice. "Jacob where do you want this to go?"

"As much as this," I say gesturing between Jacob and I, "has been fun, I'd really like to know why I'm here?"

"Don't be silly, you're here to help our good friend Jacob unpack." She says as if it were so obvious.

Good friend?

"And why exactly would I do that? You know I don't like the guy!" I say truthfully.

Nany frowns and pulls me to an area where she believes is a bit more private but in reality is just the corner of the living room. "You don't have to be so rude!" She whisper yells.

How exactly should I be?

"I was just being honest!" I tell her. I look over at Jacob, while Nany lectures me about being nice. He pretends to play on his phone but I know he's listening. "Okay, okay, okay, okay," I say giving in. "I will try to be nice." Smiling triumphantly Nany pulls me back to where Jacob is standing. "What would you like me to do?"

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