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Obviously still upset from the situation this morning, I storm into class.

I'm currently in my fourth year at OCAD University. My goal is to become a successful graphic designer, in future hopes of starting up my own company.

As of now we are focusing on an editorial design for a local magazine. I shouldn't even say 'we' because I've been stuck for a few days.

Taking me out of my thoughts, I turn to my best friends computer screen and examine what she has created.

"Your design is incredible Nany," I sigh.

"Don't worry girl, I'm sure you'll come up with something amazing! You always do!" She says with a confident smile.

"What was with the dramatic entrance?" She chuckles.

"I had to deal with this imbecile at Shine this morning," I say while staring at my nails.

I desperately needed a manicure.

"What did my wonderful boyfriend do now?!" I shake my head.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Jeremy also happens to be my best friend's boyfriend.

"Nothing, there was this new guy," I begin remembering the events that occurred only a few minutes before. "He couldn't even get my order right!"

"No!" Nany gasps dramatically. "Not your precious order!" She chuckles.

I think she's mocking me...

" Girl I know, I ended up storming out...but not before criticizing his hair," I admit.

"Well what was wrong with his hair," she asks while quickly glancing at her computer screen.

"Well nothing was wrong with it...I just felt like I needed to say something...you know...for effect and stuff..." I say, not completely believing my own words myself. Sighing loudly, I begin to spin around in my chair, waiting for the lecture that is sure to come.

"Rumer, you're my best friend so I'm always going to be honest with you,"

And there it is.

"but the type of coffee you like is so fucking complex. You were wrong for yelling at him and saying shit about his hair," She tells me truthfully.

I sigh, knowing she's right...

"You and I both know, I'm right!" She says while quickly taking her eyes from her computer and meeting mine.

Taking out my headphones, I quickly press the shuffle button on my phone and wait for music to begin to play.

Sighing, with content when J-soul begins to fill my ears, I glance at her screen one last time, before returning to my own.

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