chapter 2

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The next day Surbra was feeling strange, he pushed the lid of since Lary left it unlocked along with his mother and sister's, "Hey! Teddy! Anyone!" Surbra heard and stood up and ran out to where he heard Lary's voice, "Surbra! Perfect we need you to unlocked the gate! The old night guards locked us in here and stole the tablet that was here!" Lary said as Surbra's mother and sister joined them, "you might want to open that Sarcophagus to call of the Anubis" Haluta said before running back to her exhibit to find something to open the gate, "I'm going to see if I can find these night guards!" Aphro said and ran to find the night guards, "I'm going to make sure no one kills each other!" Surbra said running off. "Good idea!" Lary yelled before running to the other side to open the Sarcophagus. "I got it!" Haluta yelled making the one that was in the Sarcophagus tense up, Haluta hit the lock and it burst open just as the Anubis was about to strike Lary and the boy he was with, "'atlub tarkahum washanahum!" (I order you to leave them alone!) Haluta yelled and the Anubis bowed as and she walked over to the tree. "Here let me help you" She said and helped the Mummy take the bandages off his face and she instantly froze, "Ahk..." "Haluta!" He said hugging her tightly just as Aphro ran in, "I found them!" She said and stopped seeing her mother hugging someone she didn't quite recognize, "where are they?" Lary asked as they all started walking towards the sound of yelling, "Two of them are running around taking artifacts, my book is also gone" she said as they met up with Surbra, "everyone I need you to-" Surbra cut himself off a with a frustrated groan. "Shut it!!!" He yelled making everyone stop doing what they where doing and looked up, "listen the tablet of Ahkmenrah has been stolen by the night guards, if we don't get it back all this coming to life thing is gone! And if we want to get it back you'll have to work together!" He said and the ones fighting looked at each other, "civil war guys head over to the Planetarium Wing, umm what's the metal guys name?" "Columbus" "Columbus take the Neanderthals and do a sweep from invertebrates all the way through Reptiles. Jed and Octavius, their van's parked Out back. Go take care of it." Aphro said and they all split up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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