chapter 1

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Another day and Larry decided he might need help, so he went against Teddy's warning and walked into the Egyptian exhibit and up to the Sarcophagus on the right, he moved the metal plate and unlocked the Sarcophagus and stepped back as the lid flew off, "umm hi, Uhh I'm Lary your Surbra right?" Larry asked the Mummy as he stood up and took of his badges to reveal a boy around 18 with sun-kissed skin, brown eyes and black hair. He looked Lary up and down before looking around then looked back at Lary, "indeed, I am Surbra" he said and started to take the bandages off his body and that's when Lary noticed his necklace "wait you can speak English?" Lary asked very confused, "My mother had me learn Roman and thats practically English so" Surba said. "I'll let your mother and sister out-" "there asleep, Aphro screamed herself to sleep while mother simply fell asleep to talk to my grandparents" he said putting his chest plate and necklace on before grabbing his Cuffs and placed them on his wrist.

"Well I need help and I thought that a Pharaoh could help" he said just as Surbra put his crown on his head and looked at Lary, "but I thought I was pure evil?" Surbra said standing up just as a jackal walked up behind Surbra. "I don't believe that at all, and I could really us the help." He said and Surbra nodded before walking put of the exhibit, but stopped at the sound of yelling, "ok those guys are trying to kill me let's go!" Lary said before they
started running, "what are they?" "Huns!" "Seriously!?" Surbra yelled before cursing under his breath, "ok we lost them" Lary said catching his breath, "I need you to take this and go lock up the animals, you'll also need this" he said handing Surbra two sets of keys one was the key to the exhibit and the other was a plastic key. Surbra took them and walked to the animal exhibit. Surbra was about to close the gate when he heard a high pitched chirp making Surbra look up to see a monkey. "Oh hey little guy what's up?" He said as the monkey climbed on his shoulder, "you want to stay with me? Alright" he said locking the gate before going off to find Lary.

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