Captain Jack Harkness

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"We see if we can use it to alter our presences." Owen says, shrugging as if it were obvious.

"Alright..." I start examining it. There isn't really anything I can do. "I don't see anything, but when I touched it I felt something. Maybe I'm here to activate it and it's already activated. Try going out of range." Ianto walks about 15 meters away. He hesitantly reaches out for an alien hairdryer, but holds it up confidently when he sees his hand isn't going through it. (Going through something is a weird sensation okay?)

"Yes!" I shout like a giddy ten year old. My eyes practically light up. "I wonder if people can see us too?"

"Well, let's go see. The living are upstairs." Tosh says. We put the alien artifacts back, Ianto wouldn't leave them how we had them, all out of place, then head to the main hub.


When we get upstairs, no one notices. Wait, never mind. Myfanwy swoops down and nudges Ianto, who stumbles, and shows her that he has no chocolate. She makes a sad noise, (I think, I don't speak pterodactyl) and flies away.

Whatever she said made Gwen look our way. She looks through us confusedly, and I sigh. "So animals can see us but not people?"

"It's probably life forms with high levels of perception that can see us, like pterodactyls, cats, dogs, and probably many aliens. But I'd guess that birds and mice and stuff wouldn't be able to see us." Tosh says, all scientific and stuff.

"Whatever. Humans can't see us," Owen supplies for me. I think he just wants to argue with Tosh. Is that flirting? I think it is, for Owen. Oh my Gods Owen is flirting with Tosh. Badly, but he totally likes her. Yuss. I ship it.

Thinking of ships, Ianto is watching Jack. Jack is watching Myfanwy circle higher and higher. He goes over to Tosh's console and types something in. "There are some weird energy readings in the archives, but nothing up here," he calls to Rhys. I sigh. Technology can't detect is either. "Let's go see what's causing it." He starts leaves the hub, Rhys following him reluctantly.

"I'll follow them. See if it's our ghost machine they're picking up," I announce.

"I'll go to," Ianto says after a moment's hesitation.

As soon as we're out of Tosh and Owen's earshot, I speak. "Jack really misses you. I know it's obvious but he looks almost depressed."

Ianto sighs. "I know. And he's usually a happy person." He gives a small smile, but it doesn't last. "I hate seeing him like this."

"So do I. I know I don't know him as well as you do, but I know how awesome he can be." I reply, trying not to fangirl. This is my life now. Not just a show. Conceal don't feel.

"He loves Gwen, not me anyways. He's upset because he can't have her and I'm not there to soften the blow." I gasp at Ianto's words. I stop him and turn him so he's facing me. My hands gripping his forearms. I would grab his shoulders but he's too much taller than me for it to be comfortable.

"He loves you, Ianto. A lot. Yes, he loves Gwen. But as a little sister who he has to protect. He loves you as so much more." He stares at me a moment before turning and continuing, telling me to 'Come on.'

Ianto finds Jack and Rhys quickly. They're looking at our ghost artifact.

"... what's radiating energy." Jack says, picking it up. "It looks Kree to me."

Kree. That sounds familiar, but I can't place where. I shrug it off. "Now we just, follow them back up?" I ask. Ianto nods, and we do just that.

We're almost to the main hub when we hear Gwen's screams. All four of us rush to see what's happening, even though Ianto and I won't be able to help. My eyes widen, "Oh my Rassilon."


So I'm writing this before finishing the chapter. I just watched Tosh and Owen die. I didn't cry until Tosh's video when it really sunk in. I almost cried before the episode as well. I'm dreading Children of Earth. Just needed to get that out there.


Now the chapter is finished. So. Cliffhanger. The next part should be interesting to write. Part of me doesn't want that scene to happen yet, but I don't know what else would happen, so, Allons-y!

And Kree. :( If I had thought this through really well before writing to this point, or had enough motivation to rewrite what I have, I'd change Hazel into Jemma Simmons. But that would change the background story (I would not let her lose her memory), she would not actually be dead, but still invisible, and I'd need to figure out how to write her character. Too much work to redo. Her interactions would be different from Hazel's. Whatever.

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