Chapter 2: Guilt

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Next Morning, Anakin woke up and went to the 'fresher. After relieving himself, he headed to the kitchen to get some food, upon entry he looked at the couch and Obi-Wan mouth wide open was still cuddled up in the blanket on the couch. Anakin felt a sense of relief wash over him as he realized that Obi Wan seemed to be sleeping well. He left him alone for the time being.

He decided to sit at the breakfast bar and started eating his bowl of cereal. After some breakfast Obi-Wan was still fast asleep, Anakin decided to take a few deep breaths and check the navigation system to see where they were exactly. Anakin let out a small sigh while checking the map on the navs' panel. After checking their location he checked the medkit that he had brought with him. After doing the test he could confirm that all of their medical supplies are safe and sound and that they didn't run low.

He checked the other items. Food rations, water ration packs for both Anakin and Obi Wan, some emergency tools, medicine, spare clothes, blankets... There wasn't anything left out. Anakin let out a sigh and went to sit in the living area, looking at Obi Wan one last time he realized he'd be better off in the cockpit so he wouldn't disturb his old master, so Anakin turned back to the cockpit.

While Anakin had been piloting, Obi Wan had woken up. Obi-Wan looked around a bit groggy and confused, he looked around and noticed the time, he immediately sat up and threw the blanket off him... the blanket, he noticed. Memories came rushing back into his mind from the night before... he sighed realizing Anakin probably got up last night during a rough sleep and noticed him on the couch…

Obi-Wan hopes his friend hasn't seen anything and hopefully won't question him about it. He got up and headed towards the fresher, closing the door gently he looked into the mirror and sighed. He hated when people saw him like that... he noticed the bags under his eyes and his red puffy cheeks, his nose seemed redder too since he's been crying last night.
He washed his face and brushed his teeth quickly, man he looked tired.

"What am I going to do today?" Obi Wan asked himself quietly, running his fingers through his hair in worry.

Obi Wan knew that he needed to stay focussed and not let his emotions get the best of him to get as far away from his past as possible. This mission is important and Obi Wan just didn't want to waste any more time. So he stepped out of the 'fresher after brushing his hair and washing his face properly, and went to go find Anakin.

He found his old Padawan in the cockpit already sitting in one of the pilot chairs. Anakin turned around to look directly into Obi Wan's eyes. Anakin didn't really say anything, just looked at Obi Wan for a moment, waiting for him to speak first. He could tell that something wasn't quite right from the slight hesitation that Obi Wan showed. He finally spoke up after some seconds of silence.

"Anakin..." Obi-Wan wanted to mention last night but decided to change course in his words, "did you eat?

"Oh, uh... Yeah I had some cereal."

Obi-Wan nodded.
He sat down beside Anakin, "You should've woken me up earlier."

Anakin scratched the back of his neck, blushing in embarrassment,
"Yeah sorry Master... I woke up later than you wanted to wake up anyway...."

"It's alright," Obi Wan assured.

"...Also thought you needed sleep." Anakin said, looking down fiddling with his hands.

Obi-Wan took a second to reply,
"Thank you, Anakin..." he said feeling a bit ashamed that Anakin could see through his facade.

The two sat there in silence. Obi-Wan was awfully quiet and Anakin was getting a bit worried.

"I didn't wake you did I?" Anakin looked nervously at his old Master.

Obi Wan shook his head no, "No Anakin, you didn't wake me."

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