orange bastard - SC/artist!reader

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woo boy! this one was requested by idiotic_FloweyFan, enjoy lol

and sum art^^

tldr; second trying to woo you lmfao


you never realized just how much these little sticks could do, youd only ever seen them through Alan screensharing what he was doing to you, and one particular stick always seemed to be around when Alan and you were doing an animation project. Alan said his name was 'The Second Coming', and that he was pretty much the reason his art skill skyrocketed so much.

This orange stick always seemed to look at you, or at the very least the tab you and Alan were using to talk to eachother, like he was seeking your approval with its doodles, and he always perked up and waved when you came by, whether in text or a voice chat. you found this rather endearing, and would encourage the stickperson to keep drawing or give a playful bap on the arm with your cursor (Sec always gently smacks your cursor away and feigns pain to get a reaction out of both of you.)

Second always wanted to be around when you were, and sometimes would stop and listen to you and Alan talk, taking in the sound of your voice. whether angry, sad, or content, he liked hearing you, and would make remarks or little silly doodles to get you to laugh. sometimes when Alan was away, you and him would talk about anything you felt like, or him telling you about dumb shit his friends do, or that one time he 1v5'd them in a musical competition (wait how the fuck do instruments exist in minecraft? you never questioned this.)


you, Alan and Second were having a good time, Alan and Sec working on a new project, and you happily doodling away on your drawing tablet. unknown to you, Second left Alan's screen, and went to the tab you and Alan were talking on, and taking a path through the code to your computer.

Sec's arrival went unnoticed until Alan mentioned Second being gone, and you looked to your screen, your eyes going wide, but you very shortly calmed down, and looked at the stick as it waved to you, and turned its head away.

"well, i found Second."

'wait did.. did he just-'

"go into my computer? yeah."


that little interaction made you and Alan chuckle. you looked back at the orange stick on your screen, he was looking around your desktop, admiring your background choice, how you organized your games, and.. you? was he looking straight at you?

"well, hi!"

{hello!!! :D}

you smiled at him, he seemed much happier than usual, and even if he didnt have eyes, you could feel his affectionate stare, and you turned away with a slightly red face because of this.

you'd grown to like him a lot, huh?


Sec did find a way to your drawing tablet, watching your stylus make calculated swipes that formed the line work of a vast flower covered field. Second liked your art style, and even tried to mimic it to help you finish the lines, earning a little laugh from you as he stared at one of your flower designs to try and recreate the process of making it.

{this flower field is amazing!..}

Second's text got smaller, like he was whispering suddenly;

{ you...}

that earned a surpised stare and very red face from you.

Second looked up at you(?) and slapped a stick hand over his non-existent mouth.

{I.. did not mean to say that out loud. it is true, though~}

was this motherfucker flirting with you right now?

that.. earned a flustered laugh from you.

"Sec, are you trying to tell me something?"


{look, i.. i love you, alright? i fell pretty damn hard when i heard you for the first time.}

you went quiet, your face pretty red, your stylus just above the tablet as you thought about what Sec said for like 5 minutes. you...

you did love this orange bastard.

"yeah.. i love you aswell, Sec."

he immediately perked way the hell up, looking at you with a surprised(?) look, before getting up and going to grab your cursor, holding it gently, like he would someones hand. you smiled at him holding your cursor, before he let go, and ran back into his code path to Alan's computer with a happy wave, leaving you very flustered.


[Y/N has left the voice channel]


Second ran back to his four colored friends with a pep in his step, immediately gushing and bragging about how he managed to get a human S/O.



(oh my god, he's a simp now.)

/shush, yellow, let him have his fun./



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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