creations - SC/reader oneshot

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Second busily moves around the Adobe Animate tab, exitedly filling in little details of various animals and other drawings as Alan's little cursor was creating something special on the other side of the tab; Second did ask about this creation he wasn't letting them see, and only got a smiley face in response.

A tap on the orange stick figures shoulder made his head snap around to look at the cursor, knowing damn well Alan was probably smirking as he opened a text box:

'I finished the new project, want to meet them?'

Meet? This was a person?

That alone is what piqued Second's curiosity. His mind raced with what, or who Alan might be talking about as they rushed to a large box, supposedly covering this new project; Alan quickly deleted the box to reveal the new stick.

a (f\c) body stretched out and made eye(?) contact with Second. This newly made stick gave a little wave as Second just.. Stared for a solid 10 seconds before shaking his head and bounding over to them, shaking their hand.

{Hello!! I'm Second, what's your name?}

' ' Oh- nice to meet you, Second. I'm.. Y/n.'

After a quick introduction to Alan and the other stick figures, Y/N quickly picked up art and fighting, as they spent much of their time with Second and Alan, proving to be a huge help with animating. During these periods, Second always felt.. Different when Y/N was present. Alan frequently teased Second about him seeming so shy when Y/N was around, to which he valiantly denied this; but he has quietly admited to himself that something was off. he has caught himself stuttering or staring longingly at them. A few too many incidents like this lead Second to ask Alan about what the deal was with this new stick and why they made him feel like this.

'So you get nervous around Y/N, and you feel warm when they're near?'

{Yeah, it's.. Weird, but the warm feeling is nice}

'.. Sounds like you're in love, dude.'



At this point, Second had admitted it to himself; they did love that f/c stickfigure, and as the days passed, Second devised a way to confess.

Once Alan had left his computer, and Y/N being called over by the other stick figures to play, Second immediately reset the canvas, and got to work with his design.

. . . . . .

oooOOOoo0ooO0, cliffhanger bois

this was just practice, hope to get some good shit done soon
maybe a part 2 of this later lmao

avm/ava x reader things!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz