Chapter 2: Not Just BFF's

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I waited patiently... Why won't she answer my calls? I tried again.

Ding a ling ding ding ding ling ding ling a

I saw she called me when I got back from dinner with Aiden.

"Katie?!" Alexa said, very confused,
"Hi. Sorry I called so late, I just got back from dinner with Aiden..." I tried to explain, hoping Alexa wouldn't be mad how I haven't returned her calls.
"That's ok.I've missed you..." Alexa replies quietely,
I felt a sense of relief.
"I've missed you too" Katie replies,
"If you've missed me," Alexa chuckles awkwardly, "Then why did you ghost me?"
My stomach started to hurt. The truth is, I was scared she didn't want to talk to me anymore so I didn't call one time to see how she reacted. She seemed to be fine. I thought maybe Alexa was happier that way.
"I'm so sorry, I know it sounds stupid, but I thought you found me boring and didn't want to talk anymore." Katie explains, waiting patiently for an answer from Alexa.
"Oh Katie Cooper," Alexa lets out a small laugh, "You must be stupid if you think I didn't want to talk to my best-friend." Alexa states in a nice voice.
My heart hurt a little after Alexa said "best friend". What else did I expect? Do I have a crush...? No, no. We were always best friends. And always will be. I'm just being weird I guess because I have t seen her in a while.

"Are you going back home on Saturday?" Katie asks.
Please say yes. Please say yes.
"Yeah. My mom basically ordered me too" Alexa laughs, "but I would love to"
"Ha, I'll guess I will see you there, Alexa Mendoza." Katie says
"Yeah, see you there. Katie Cooper." Alexa replies in a posh voice,

The way she said my name! She's never said it like that before..!

I press the hang up button and lie down on my bed. I'm going for breakfast with Aiden tomorrow. We've changed. I feel so awkward around him and not in a lovey way. I bet Alexa and Spencer and so much better than Aiden and I. I sigh and thought about going back home to meet Alexa.

My stomach hurts. UGH no we're just friends. Best friends. Who both have boyfriends... This needs to stop happening! At prom, watching Alexa with Spencer made me want to curl up in a ball , scream and cry. I think, oh wait I KNOW it's called: Jealousy. I mean I love Aiden too but he was kind of just a coping mechanism to get over Alexa. I can hide my feelings really well but I kind of hoped Alexa couldn't go to prom because of her health. I know that's pretty selfish of me. All the things I've done for and with her, I've hoped those gestures made her see that I... That I love her.


Aiden knocks on Katie's dorm room. Aiden is holding a rose.
"Katie!" Aiden says, happily
"Oh, Aiden I didn't know you would be HERE. I thought we were meeting up at Joe's Coffee Place." Katie states, a bit confused.
"Yes, we were but I wanted to surprise you!" Aiden gives the rose to Katie
"Oh! well, I'm going to drama rehearsal now!" Katie isn't happy about the surprise and gives the rose back.
"Sorry, Aiden. We'll meet up as scheduled." Katie walked quickly away and left Aiden standing there.


Katie walks into a café and sees Aiden. Katie approaches him.

"Hey Katie. Sorry about this morning." Aiden says with an awkward smile.
Katie fake smiles and sits down with him.
"That's fine, it was just kind of a rushed morning."
Ok, I need to break up with him now. Better than later I guess.
"Aiden." Katie says, seriously.
"Katie." Aiden says jokingly,  copying her.
"Will you-" Aiden starts
"I want to break up." Katie exclaims
Aiden's face says nothing but his eyes say it all. His eyebrows look half sad, half mad. Then confused.

He gets up calmly without a word or facial expression, not even looking me in the eye. I felt so bad but was secretly proud of myself for finally doing it.

He walked quickly out of the café and saw him discretely dry a tear up with his sleeve.
"Wait!" Katie screams quiteely, everyone at the café looking at her. She felt completely sick in the stomach that everyone was looking at her.

Why did I break up with him like that though.?!

She runs home to her dorm and sits in her chair replaying the night again and again. Suddenly, she remembered what Aiden was saying.

Was he going to propose?

Yay 802 words! (Sorry that is less 😭) I am on holiday so, sorry I can't post many chapters...

Alexa X Katie (love story) : MORE THAN BEST FRIENDSWhere stories live. Discover now