I love him

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I love how you hold me. I love how you tell me I'm beautiful. I love how you find it funny when I say something stupid or just can't speak when I'm around you. I love how you make me happy. I love how you smile when I see you. I love how you laugh when I say something random, or stupid. I love that when I laugh it makes you smile. I love how you ask me if I'm alright when I can't stop laughing. I love how you make me feel. I love how you tell me I look cute. I love how we can talk about randomness for hours. I love that you want to stay up and text me late into the night. I love how you say sweet things to me. I love how you whisper in my ear when we hug. I love how you squeeze me so hard when I hug you. I love how I can talk to you for hours about anything, and you listen, and I listen. I love how you want to spend every day with me. I love how you caress my hand I love how you hold me when we hug. I love how I get a feeling of protection when I'm around you.I love how everything is perfect. I love how you see the person I really am, yet you still want me. I love how you have a passion for our Jesus and you want to grow in your relationship with Him. I love how you make me cry, but not because I'm upset or sad, or you hurt me, but because you make me the happiest I've ever been. I love waking up and talking to you. I love how I anticipate seeing you. I love how I get nervous when I see you, but feel more comfortable with you then I do with anyone else. I love how you deal with my random thoughts and craziness. I love how you insist everything will be alright, and make me feel at ease. I love how you give me weird looks at awkward moments. I love how I'm important to you. I love how I'm your first choice. I love how I make you happy. I love how you make ME happy. I love how I worry about you and the dumb stuff you do. I love how I only want to be with you. I love how I constantly think about you. I love when you get mad when someone says something to upset me. I love how just one smile from you can make my entire mood change. I love how I'm yours. I just love.us. I love everything about you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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