Chapter 19

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Their car lurched forward as they were hit again and Sutton shrieked as others cursed. A loud clang and elongated honking erupted as their cheap bumper fell off and tumbled through several lanes of traffic. Sutton grabbed the headrest with both hands and watched in shock. Clint crushed the gas pedal under his foot and shot them forward.

The car behind them was actually another black SUV with tinted windows. It revved its engine like a predator and gave chase. Two more just like it weaved through traffic in an attempt to catch up.

They may as well have plastered giant INSOL logos on the sides of their vehicles like SHIELD did.

"We're dead." Said Sutton. "We're dead, we're dead, we're dead."

Clint threw a stressed look back and snapped.

"Shut up; I'm trying to drive!"

"Loki." Steve looked back. He had on his 'Captain America serious face' and his tone implied he was in that mode as well. "Can you cloak us?"

Loki appeared mildly amused by the terrifying turn of events. He let out a breathy chuckle and sarcastically looked around the van as if actually thinking about it.

"I cannot."

Steve scowled in disbelief and Sutton wasn't sure if she bought it either. But they didn't have time to argue with him or try to call him out as a liar. Sutton flipped back around to face forward; she didn't want to see the cars coming for them. Her eyes were wide as she gripped her seatbelt. She'd never been in a car chase before.

Some might argue that it would be fun to rush at illegal speeds with your adrenaline pumping in a desperate bid not to be caught. But it wasn't fun.

It was not fun at all.

The three SUVs grouped up and formed a 'v' behind them. Natasha glanced back at their formation and frowned.

"Clint." She warned.

"I know, I know."

He tried pumping the gas a few more times, but the van wasn't made for obtaining high speeds. Especially not with how packed with people and stuff it was.

The SUV to the right shot forward and angled its front end behind their back tire. Their van came to a sudden, jarring stop as Clint hit the brake and smashed the sides of their vehicles together. Sutton screamed as she jerked around and her hair flew in front of her face.

"Now might be a good time for me to suit up." Tony suggested. He eyed his red and gold 'briefcase' on the floorboard. "Even if I can't access Jarvis, I can still-"

"No!" Sutton interrupted frantically. She pushed her hair away from her face and grabbed onto his arm. "If you show up in that they'll have an air team here faster than you can say 'I am Iron Man'."

Tony frowned.

"Kind of late to be playing it safe, kid."

"And how am I supposed to explain away a flipping Iron Man suit when you leave, huh?"

He made a weird face again but Sutton didn't take what she said back.

"Thor." Tony snapped, looking behind him. "Keep a hold of that thing. I still need those readings."

Thor furrowed his brow.

"Tony, do you believe now to be the best moment-"

"Now might be the only moment. Sutton, the numbers. Focus on the numbers, Small Fry."

They were in a high stakes car chase and Sutton was rattling off random numbers that were apparently different depending on who held the machine. Tony waved his free hand as he finished off writing down the remaining numbers.

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