Chapter 16

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Seven showers later Sutton was glad that hotels didn't run out of hot water. She was so tired she wasn't even self conscious that she would have to share a bed with Natasha.

The look Loki gave her in the car should have made her hesitant to take even a short nap, but she was too exhausted to think about it.

Then she closed her eyes and opened them again to find herself in the dark.

Her back stiffened and she clenched her fists as pressure bubbled up through her. How dare he. He'd had the upper hand this entire time because her family lived close by, she'd never been threatened before, and he was Loki. Admittedly, she might have projected a bit of fandom's interpretation of his character onto him, and hoped that he'd grow nicer. But she was done letting him get his way. And he owed her some answers.

There was a presence at her back and Sutton spun around with a punch aimed for his face. He caught her fist in his hand and cut all her momentum short; Sutton grunted at the sudden loss of momentum. She looked up at him and noted his unimpressed look, raised brow and all. With a scowl, she attempted to pull her hand free, but he kept a firm hold of her.

"It's unwise," he said, "to take on, unprepared, someone far stronger and more skilled than yourself."

"This is my head." Sutton argued.

"And yet I am free to visit. My statement stands."

Loki pushed her back and released her hand. Sutton grabbed her wrist and staggered back with a harsh glare. The glare bounced right off of him and dropped to the floor. She attempted to grapple for control.

"What do you want now? Geesh, can't a girl get a few hours of unharassed sleep? I hope you understand that you're not winning any cool points by-"

"Oh, shut up." Loki drolled. "I only came to find out what it is that you know."

Sutton paused, then swung her arms behind her back and took another step away.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Loki's demeanor darkened more and he took one heavy step in her direction.

"I'm not in the mood for games. Need I remind you that I am currently in your mind? If need be, I can search out the answers for myself. Though I assure you it would not be a pleasant experience."

He really didn't look to be in a humorous mood. The tenseness in his body seemed to stretch beyond whatever issues he had with her and she noted the way he continued to ball his left hand into a fist and then flex it repeatedly.

"Why do you care?" She asked. "What does it even matter if I know anything?"

He sighed, exasperated.

"Because since I've come to know you, I don't trust your ideas. I doubt you could string together a capable plan if your life depended on it."

Sutton narrowed her eyes and tilted her head in a sarcastic motion.

"All the better for you, right?"

"Regardless. Proceed."

While she didn't want to tell him anything based on how he asked alone, she figured she probably wouldn't get any answers unless she played along at least a little.

She lowered her chin and her lips twisted as she considered how to explain. He wasn't called "the god of mischief" for nothing, and if she blurted out everything she knew straight away he might not give her any information at all.

He waited as she took a moment, regarding him just as carefully as he watched her.

"It's imagination and belief."

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