Chapter Eight-Harvey Benbroke meets an alien girl (Part one)

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Harvey Benbroke was not dead.

       He had never been dead.


He stared at the tube-thing.

           It was made of glass.

          "Hello?", he asked.

        Noone came to him. He stared at the humans in the tubes. Their eyes were closed; their movement stilted.

         And he was naked.


Minutes later...


A red colored beam of light glowed.

           The grey colored walls dripped with a gelatinous-like substance oozed downwards. It slithered downward, and slopped on the silver colored ground.

               "Jesus!", Harvey Benbroke said.

               Then he heard the sound of footsteps. No; no, thudding that came from the spaceship. It seemed like a scfi-fi movie.

                "HEY! I'M FREEZING!", Harvey Benbroke yelled.

                 Then 5 Dark Aliens arrived.

                 Their red colored eyes stared at the humans...then at the boy. Their faces were reptillian; their webbed feet slid purposefully towards him.

                 "Welcome to Darkmowsdriangh. (The Dark Planet). It is a planet full of reptile aliens. We conquer planets and kill those who stand in our way. As you know, we have been seen on the Internet. How fanciful human technology is. True reptile aliens do not let humans live too long. As a result, you're fate is in our hands, boy. Now, my name is Cla'rt. We're at war with Chysta and Kyse. They're abducting human teenagers in the city called New York. Of course, old humans are worthless...And  somehow you've been transported here by mistake...No matter, once you've passed our medical physical, you serve us...Otherwise, you'll be vaporised", Cla'rt said.

                   "I'm cold. I need clothes on", Harvey Benbroke said.

                    "Commence bio-med scan", Cla'rt ordered.

                    Then a whirring sound happened, and a red colored scanner went over the tube. A minute later, the scan was completed...

                      ...And the tube opened up, and Harvery Benbroke saw a reptile suit...

                     ...And put it on.


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