𝑯𝒐𝒖 𝑱𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏, 𝒀𝒖 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆́ (𝟗)

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Rosé had always felt that she was lucky.

When she wanted to look for a job, she had help from family. And then there was Jimin offering his help in her search for a suitable apartment.

She didn’t have any ambitious goals or any dreams to work towards.

Unlike Lisa, who had her life goals and plans.

Rosé was the sort who muddled along, the sort who was content to have enough to eat and wear.

Dreams? Goals?

What the heck were those?

In this era where appeals were made for women to be independent, Rosé was undoubtedly the representative for parasites amongst them.

To her, muddling along was the way to live life.

Rosé’s decision to be a kindergarten teacher came about because she was truly fond of kids but she had no desire to take care of kids of her own.

She only liked other people’s kids, for she could hug them when she was in the mood, and when the kid started crying, the parents would be responsible for coaxing them.

Give birth to kids of her own?

Nope. No way.

Of course, Rosé was aware that being a kindergarten teacher wasn’t an easy job.

But she felt that this was a suitable job for her. And also, it didn’t require her to use many brains.

The principal of the kindergarten was very pleased with Rosé when she went for her interview.

Firstly, Rosé was good-looking, and kids were fond of good-looking people.

That’s right, kids these days were appearance-obsessed.

The first time Rosé went there, adorable kids went up to her to hug her legs and call her ‘pretty sister.’

Rosé’s heart bloomed with joy, and it was then that she made up her mind to work in this honest kindergarten.

Later, Rosé also passed the skills assessment. Even though she wasn’t extremely outstanding, she had some experience taking care of little kids.

The principal set a probation period of three months for Rosé.

Initially, she was assigned to help other teachers during the lessons and conduct the games. If she performed well, she could be converted into a permanent teacher and could lead a class of her own.

During her internship, her pay would be 5000 yuan. After she converted to a permanent teacher, her pay would be upwards of 8000 yuan.

One might think that this was a high salary. But in fact, the cost of living was high in the capital, so 8000 yuan wasn’t much. But it was undoubtedly enough for Rosé to live on.

Of course, before she converted into permanent, her pay would only be 5000 yuan.

After Rosé passed the tests, Jimin brought her good news. He had found a suitable apartment for her near the kindergarten.

The timing was too coincidental. Rosé had just mentioned she passed the interview, and Jimin informed her that he found an apartment right after. In her euphoria, it hadn’t occurred to Rosé how illogical it was.

Rosé was both nervous and excited having passed her first job interview, and was eager to share this joy with someone.

At that moment, Lisa was pregnant, and with the strict Jungkook keeping an eye on her, he definitely wouldn’t let Rosé take Lisa out to eat. It just so happened that Jimin called her at the time, so Rosé simply asked him.

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