𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑽𝑰

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With everyone needing a haircut, it was already night time when everyone was done.

There were a total of 31 people in this batch of new recruits. The cruelest thing was after they had their hair cut, they had to go and wait for everyone else to be done before they can go and rest. Their phones had been confiscated when they got in the car and it would only be returned to them during the weekends. With that, it was easy to know how hard it was to pass time that afternoon.

Rosé had her hair cut long before Lisa had hers. By the time Lisa and the rest were done, she was so famished that the front of her chest was already touching her back!

By the time everyone was done, Instructor Chen Haoyang called for them to gather. Rosé bared her teeth at Lisa. “I’m almost as famished as a dog, yet we still have to go to the dormitory first!”

Lisa finally opened her mouth and replied, “We haven’t finished our training yet. So, we have to endure it even if we’re hungry.”

She wasn’t the only one who was hungry. Lisa was extremely hungry as well.

It was obvious from her slightly plump figure. She couldn’t control her appetite when it came to food, especially since her parents doted on her a lot and would make good food for Lisa from time to time. On top of the fact that her family found her good enough no matter what, Lisa wouldn’t even pay any attention to her figure.

That was why her appetite was greater than normal girls.

Right now, she was probably even more hungry than Rosé. And yet, she endured it and remained quiet.

Seeing her speak, Rosé felt amazed. However, Chen Haoyang was already shouting for them to gather, so she remained quiet.

“All of you girls stand in a row while the boys stand in a separate row. Now, all of you follow me and take your recruit uniform before going to change into them at your dormitory! From now on, if there is no need for it, you will have to wear your uniforms in camp. If you don’t want to wear them, it’s equivalent to not wanting to be in camp. You can think about the consequence yourself!”

Even though Chen Haoyang was strict, he looked like a nice person.

Maybe that was why he didn’t seem immensely strict. Once the recruits are accustomed to the training, he wouldn’t be enough anymore.

But no matter what Chen Haoyang says, Lisa would be extremely serious.

Chen Haoyang noticed her as well.

At first, Lisa didn’t stand out too much in the car. However, as Lisa became more exquisite-looking after her hairstyle change, Chen Haoyang admired her attitude. It was different from the others by standing up straight and listening to his words seriously.

Because compared to the impression the other recruits gave, this Lisa was basically the ‘good student’ type.

She was like that from her manners to her expression.

Naturally, he admired Lisa a little more.

As long as they were not flamboyant about it, people who listened with all seriousness would be praised no matter where they were. Even if they weren’t praised, others will pay special attention to them as well.

There were only benefits and no bad points to it.

After Chen Haoyang finished scolding them, he led the group of recruits towards the dormitory building.

There wasn’t much difference between the dormitory building in camp and that of normal schools. In fact, it was even worse than the schools in some areas.

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