32 | Clash

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Priscilla had always been smart and in her senses, but she couldn't do anything, not when she could only whisper words and every part of her body was ruled by someone else. Had she been able to move, she would've pressed the knife deeper into her neck.

"Stop the process." Katherine spoke, her voice filled like smoke in the place as she stood at the door.

She walked closer and her steps were in sync with their breaths till the sounds were as loud and close as their heartbeat. "Stop it." Hudson placed the bones back in the chest, holding the bars as he lowered his head and he ambled out. "Leave Priscilla."

Katherine chuckled. "Why are you so sympathetic to this lady?" Hudson wasn't perplexed. He had the answer and gave it. "I don't want anyone else to suffer our deeds."

"Didn't she already suffered, what is there for her to live, anyway?"

Harper halted before a door. It was open. She had espied Priscilla with a knife and it led her to the dungeons. She had yelled, yet the lady didn't listen, and when the guard had tried to stop her, Harper used the excuse that Hudson had allowed her to come.

Harper softly pushed the ajar door, setting her feet one by one on the floor as quietly as she could. The uncanny dungeon welcomed her. There was the silhouette of Priscilla and her surroundings were illuminated by a flame caged by the glass of lamp.

"Your daughter is very nice. She listened to me even if I was at fault." The voice of the witch's spirit caged within the dungeon spilled out as she spoke to Marilyn. "She didn't defend you, even if you are her mother."

Harper tiptoed and pressed a finger to her lips, hushing them. It was Hudson who descried her. Harper stepped forward until she was at an arm's length, away from Priscilla. She had to make the move quickly or else Priscilla will sense her presence.

"She didn't kill Hudson despite how much I forced her, though he was planning her death." Katherine stuck her eyes at Marilyn. Andrew closed his eyes as Viola looked at him, thinking he knew about it, which he did.

"It was because of you." Hudson replied to distract Katherine and justify his actions when Viola, Marilyn and Willy stared at him except Andrew. "You tricked us into thinking she was a reincarnation."

Harper clenched her fist and breathed deeply. She sprinted to Priscilla and pushed her, clutching her wrist as she harshly tugged the knife.

Priscilla fell in Viola's arms, the friend with soft and concerned gaze. There was a whisper of warning to leave the witch but Viola stayed in her place and it took every ounce of strength in Priscilla to push Viola away instead of causing harm.

Katherine chortled, and it was scratching their skins. "You can't harm Priscilla." Hudson spoke, sauntering towards her. "You won't hurt the only person who ever sympathized with you."

"You are like Christopher so much," Katherine folded her hands, trudging back. She couldn't let Hudson come close. "You twist your words and other's emotions like him. He was also a great manipulator."

"What is it that you desire?" Hudson glared at her. He couldn't tolerate anyone disrespect his family despite how they were.

"The crown." The answer was on the tip of Katherine's tongue. She was waiting anyone would ask and Hudson denied. "Not possible."

"Sacrifice Her Highness then." Katherine shrugged, pouting. "I have no problem." Hudson responded, striding towards Katherine till he was two steps away. "Kill her."

Marilyn gasped, covering her mouth as she sauntered forward. "Your Highness-" Hudson stretched out his hand, stopping her there. "We both know you're not going to kill Priscilla."

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