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I sat on my bed, I decided to not clean the puddle until tomorrow morning, it was dark out, I didn't want to listen to the radio and left it off until it 'magically' turned on playing a distorted 'Run Rabbit Run'. 

I tried to shut it off but couldn't, I slammed my feet on it and it still didn't stop despite the killer damages, I threw it at the puddle and it splattered all over the room and it still played the creepy song, the wallpaper started to tear and the floorboards cracked, I was terrified, what if the clown came back? Well, my accusations were correct because what arose from the puddle? It. It found its way to mess up my room and terrify me. 

It grinned, showing off layers and layers of teeth, my pupils turned small, and I was terrified as the music became warped and louder, It clasped my neck and I passed out. 

                                                             Bill's POV:

I wanted to talk to Beverly about yesterday so I biked to her apartment, weird, the door was unlocked, I walked inside and called out Bev's name, but no answer. I saw her father bleeding out in the bathroom and I checked her bedroom, there was written 'Die If You Try' I knew It written those words, I ran out and headed for y/n's house, I need her. 

Huh, the door is also unlocked, as I did at Bev's I checked y/n's bedroom, there I heard the radio play a weird song I had never heard of in my life, it was eerie and creepy, there I looked around the room, the wallpaper was shredded into pieces and I felt like I could fall straight through the wooden floor. This time the wall wrote 'Silver Denbrough'. 

I ran straight out of the house and gathered everyone to the well house, we're gonna save them, we have to save them. 

                                                              Y/n's POV:

I woke up at this strange damp place, I was covered in sewer water and I stood up, I was all alone and wet, I heard carnival music as Beverly rushed to me: Y/N!!! 

I ran to her too: BEVERLY!! 

We hugged tightly as the carnival music got louder: Step right up y/n and Beverly! Step right up! You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll feel, you'll die! Introducing Pennywise the dancing clown! 

The clown was revealed behind a fallen wooden wall, the flames arose behind him as he started to dance in this weird way, and screechy music was played along with it as he jumped at us. Pennywise grabbed mine and Beverly's neck. 

We grabbed his arms and Beverly shouted: We aren't afraid of you! 

Pennywise chuckled: You will be

What the fuck. Pennywise's mouth opened up to reveal three shining white lights, I tried to look away but I just couldn't, I could feel my life slipping away as I basically became a paper doll, I felt me and all my friends except for Stan? Weird, we felt scared but brave.. at the same time? Who knows, I feel dead, a floating corpse, what is this feeling? Am I actually dead? 


I and Beverly floated there, but someone helped us down. 

Stan looked at us: What's wrong with them? 

Mike: It's like their.. Dead 

Ben cut in front of everyone: Beverly can't be dead, neither can y/n 

Richie put his hand on Ben's shoulder: Where's Bill?

Everyone shrugged as Ben tried to get Beverly back: Beverly? Beverly wake up! 

Ben started to cry: Beverly, please! 

Ben hugged Beverly yet it didn't work, turning his frustration into a kiss, that was how she woke up: *gasp* January embers

The boy stopped crying: My heart burns there too 

Beverly looked at the ghostly me: Oh my god! Y/n! 

Beverly hugged me and everyone followed, I couldn't feel them, I could only feel the older me, how my lust for Bill and my braveness helped him on the way. 

Everyone screamed Bill's name and shortly found him. 


Everyone was fighting Pennywise and he soon grabbed me: I'll take her.. And you'll never find her love like hers ever again!

Bill ran to me: L-let her go! 

Pennywise shook his head and grinned: She's gone, Billy.. You leave us be now 

Pennywise walked away as it held the ghostly me 

Bill ran to Pennywise as everyone begged him not to: NO!!! 

Bill smashed a baseball bat against its back, Pennywise released me and I fell to the ground, emotionless as my blind white eyes paid no attention to what was happening. 


                                                               Bill's POV:

I ran to y/n's soulless body, hugging her tight and crying: Please y/n, wah-wake up 

Everyone followed and comforted me, Beverly hugged me close: Bill.. Kiss her 

Everyone was surprised by Beverly's words, and I was too, but I did as told, I held y/n's chin and placed on light kiss on her lips, but nothing happened, I let more tears out: Why didn't it work?! 

I put more kisses on her lips but it didn't work: Y/n! P-p-please wake up! I love you! You luh-love me! We love each other! 

Nothing. Nothing at all, it's like she's frozen. I cried as I hugged her, she felt cold and damp. 

Mike put his hand on my shoulder: Is she really dead? 

Eddie came by y/n: Yeah, she hasn't waken up yet 

I pushed everyone away: Sh-she's not dead! She'll wake up! I know it! 

I sat y/n on my lap and kissed her once more, tears poured down my cheeks. 

The boys pulled me off of her and Richie actually said something not comical: Bill, she's gone, let's all just go home 

Her corpse fell to the ground, white-eyed and emotionless, I struggled out of the boy's reach: Let me go! Let me save her!

Beverly took hold of my shoulders and looked at me straight, holding back her tears: Bill, she's dead, we all know it's traumatic, but we can remember her in different ways, all of us 

I kept crying: It's not fair! How can you come back but y/n can't?!

Everyone enveloped me into a hug and we headed towards the surface, my heart hurts, it really hurts, y/n's missing yet we know where she is, she's dead, or so I thought. 

                                                             Y/n's POV:

My life returned, it felt so good to breathe. Oh god, Bill's leaving, I ran to him, my footsteps were light and couldn't be heard by even bats, how? Don't know. I jumped onto Bill's back and he flinched until I kissed his cheek, he then knew it was me. 

Bill took me to his side and hugged me: Y/n!! 

Everyone was shocked, and so was I, I'm awake. Bill placed his soft rosy lips on mine as everyone hugged me, we then continued to walk out, Bill and I hand in hand. 

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