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                                                               Bill's POV:

Btw this is past the point of Ben's house, this chapter is all about you and Bill, mainly bc I forgot what happens in the movie, enjoy. <3 :3 <3. 

I walked to y/n's house, I know she doesn't even know I'm coming, but surprises are awesome. I knocked on the door faintly yet still hearable. 

My knocks were met with a loud: Doors unlocked! 

As I opened the door the smell of nail polish hit my nose like a baseball: H-hey 

Y/n looked down as she gingerly painted her nails: What do you want

I sat down in the chair next to hers: Pretty nails you have 

She sighed as she slowly moved her eyes with mine: Is that the only reason why you're here?

The radio blared with music but I managed to hear her just fine: I juh-just want to t-t-talk to you

Y/n peered back to her nails, making sure she did a good job at painting: About what 

I tapped my fingers on the table: Anything I guess

Y/n blew on her nails and they dried quickly, she began talking about yesterday in a quiet manner as she climbed up the counter and opened a cabinet: You could've just gone to Ben's and left me alone

I smirked: I could've, but you looked pretty jealous of Beverly 

Y/n looked down at me and grabbed a plate, slipping out of her fingers it smashed on her face and she fell to the ground, blood dripping down in a fast manner: Shit! I need to clean this up!

I was surprised, does she even care about the damage to her skin?: But you're face is all bloody! 

She ignored me and began cleaning up the crash, blood dripping to the floor, and tears in her eyes, I grabbed her hand and stood her up: Come on, l-let me clean your face up 

Y/n resisted it and tried to get herself out of my reach: But I need to clean the mess up! 

I held her shoulders as some of the blood dripped on my arms: No. You're hurt and all bloody 

I brought her to the bathroom and wiped the blood off, but it didn't do much because more blood was rising from her face, I watered the towel and dabbed it lightly on her face, she looked embarrassed and didn't dare to look at me.

I grabbed a bottle of peroxide and dabbed a cotton pad on it: Hold on to my hand, it's gonna sting bad 

Y/n actually took hold of my hand and I patted the cotton pad onto the cuts, I could feel her squeezing my hand tightly, tears in her eyes threatening to fall as we kept looking down. Her hand gripped tighter when I made tiny circles around the cuts just to get it all off.

After I was done y/n slowly released her hand from mine, I slowly brought her face to my level, I looked her down cause she was at least an inch shorter: Are you o-okay? 

No answer, just a nod as she looked back down, I could understand she was embarrassed, she had no emotion except sadness on her face, I decided to do what she always pushed me away from, my lips pressed against hers gently for about 2-3 seconds then pulled away, it was almost like I kissed a corpse, she stood there silently as her tears began to fall. 

I took y/n's hand and we got back to the kitchen, we began cleaning up the mess in silence and I kept glancing at her, I saw her silent tears fall as she put the glass in a pile, god I can't stand to see her sad, I love her and can't take the pain in her heart. 

God, Bill absolutely loves you! Even if he does act like an actual bastard sometimes, but Bill quite literally loves you, even if you hate what he does, but rn you're basically a vegetable, so basically you just accepted it. 

As soon as I put my side of the glass in the pile I ran into y/n and hugged her tightly, making her fall to the ground, still crying. I wiped her tears and kissed her for at least 7-12 seconds, one last tear fell from her eyes and she hugged me back, planting her face into my shoulder as I stroked her hair gently.

She let out a low teary whisper into my ear as she removed her head from my shoulder: I hate you 

I chuckled as I kept stroking her hair, her head rested on my chest and I could tell she felt my heartbeat pounding, I guess that's what happens when the girl you love finally loves you too. We sat there on her kitchen floor for 3 minutes before she decided to bring me to her room, grabbing my hand and leading me to it. 

I've seen y/n's room like a million times yet I still admired it, it had all the things that made y/n who she is, her tough structure yet her inner sweetheart, we sat on her bed, she held the sides of my face as we inched closer and closer. 

Before our lips inched closer y/n giggled: Fuck you Bill Denbrough 

We made out intensely, I pulled away and husked out: So perfect

I need to catch my breath because even if we're 11 y/o's, goddamn y/n is a great kisser, I wonder if she practices every night: You're a b-b-bitch 

Y/n grinned and laughed: I can't forgive you for that comment! 

I pushed her to the wall and kept kissing her more, limbs and flesh getting tangled into a big hug, as we kept kissing we fell to the floor, I could tell this was absolute heaven for y/n, I broke off of her and she had stars in her eyes. 

The girl sat back on back on her bed and caught her breath: Shit Bill, you're so good at kissing 

Y/n picked the nail polish off her nails as she smiled, I got to my feet and headed for the door but y/n stopped me: Don't go, please

I looked into her pleading puppy eyes: Why? What's wrong?

The girl took my hand and pulled me to her: I just want you to stay, please! 

I tucked a few hairs behind her ear: C-can't 

Y/n's face dropped to sad again: Why not? 

I took a slow deep breath: I nuh-need to do my chores or else my m-mom is gonna yell at me 

As much as I wanted to stay, I knew I couldn't, y/n placed her head on my shoulder and whispered: I don't want you to go.. 

I cupped her face with my hands and kissed her forehead: I d-don't want to either, but I've spent so much tuh-time here 

She released a tear and hugged me before watching me leave her house, god I miss her already, but I guess its alright, I might see her tomorrow if I'm not busy with those stupid fucking chores.

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