6: Always a little sister.

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Chapter 6 title: Always a little sister.
Chapter 6 summary: Laurel will always consider Thea Queen a little sister.

A smile appears on Laurel Lance's face, as it always does every time she enters the Queen mansion, as she enters the living room where the three remaining Queen family are, the two eldest sitting on each side of the youngest Queen family member, handing her boxes of presents.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything, I just wanted to stop by and give Thea this before she went to school and I went to work." Laurel says as the family notices her, carrying a bag. Thea gets up and walks the short distance to the older woman, and squeezes her into a hug.

"Thank you, Laurel." The youngest Queen says in her ear. Laurel smiles.

"No problem, Thea." Laurel says as she pulls away and hands Thea the black bag in her hands, she knows Thea won't open Laurel's gift in front of her mother or brother. She'll wait until tonight.

"I gotta go, happy birthday little sister." Laurel whispers the last part in Thea's ear as she leaves the house.

Even though things between her and Oliver are long over, Laurel still, and, always, considers Thea one of her little sisters.

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