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During the following month, Trixie and Katya organized their new life. Trixie decided to let her late husband's partner handle the Mattel company, but she still received a great income from it. Katya stopped taking new clients, and made sure to solve all her cases before the two women left for California. They did so in Katya's car, a few suitcases filling the trunk and some more luggage in the back seat. Trixie had never traveled, so they decided to do a road trip and stay in a few cities before reaching Los Angeles. All was going well, although Trixie started having nightmares about Elliot's murder. She was only processing the traumatic event now, and on a particular night her mind made up such awful scenarios that she woke up sweaty and terrified in their current motel's bed. Her heart was beating rapidly and her breathing was shallow. She tried to call Katya's name and wake her up, but her throat was tight and she couldn't make any sounds. Trixie grabbed her lover's arm and shook her awake.

"Mh? Trix?" Katya mumbled in a sleepy and confused voice. She sat up and turned the bedside lamp on, and saw her girlfriend silently crying. Katya leaned towards her and put her hands on Trixie's shoulders. "What happened? What's wrong my love?"

The blonde opened her mouth to respond, however she only managed to let out a sob. She put her head down on Katya's chest and bawled her eyes out. The older woman hugged her and squeezed their bodies together in an effort to make Trixie feel safe and surrounded. She rubbed her back and whispered soothing words until the girl eased up.

"I had a dream about the murder" Trixie spoke up. She let go of Katya and hid her face under her hands, then slouched over.
"Oh darling, I'm sorry. It's normal to still think about it, grieving can be a long process" Katya replied.
"No... It's- it's not that. I don't think you can understand" Trixie muttered.
"I can baby, I know."
"No you don't! Katya I-" The blonde started with a stronger voice, only to be cut off by her lover.
"You killed Elliot" Katya finished. Trixie gasped and her eyes widened in shock. She got overwhelmed by a crippling sensation of fear. She wanted to tell Katya, had been feeling horrible for lying to her, for sending two innocent men in jail, for killing her husband... Although she had many reasons to do so, she still saw herself as a soulless monster. Trixie clenched her fists nervously and blurted out her plea to try to save herself.

"I- I had n-no choice Katya, I promise, he was hitting me and- and forcing me to have sex with him every night so I would get pregnant sooner, I couldn't bear it I couldn't" The blonde cried, her voice breaking with every word. Katya's heart sank as she finally learned the motive of her girlfriend's act. She had imagined it must've been some kind of abuse, but certainly not to that extent.
"Trixie, Trixie, shhh. It's okay honey, I don't blame you. I'm devastated to know he treated you like that. It's over now, it's in the past, he can't hurt you anymore" Katya said with all the tenderness she had in her heart for this woman. She took her hands in her own and searched Trixie's eyes.
"You can call the police. I don't deserve all the happiness I've been feeling since I met you, I need to pay for what I've done" The girl stated, shaking her head in disbelief of her own actions.
"If I wanted to see you behind bars you would already be there. You're not a criminal, you were in a desperate situation and didn't have many options. You won't kill again, I know it. Locking you up in a cell wouldn't do good to anyone. And Trixie, you do deserve to be happy. You deserve all the love in the world." Katya pressed. She squeezed Trixie's hands, which compelled the woman to look in her eyes.
"Do you still love me?" Trixie asked, her voice quiet and fearful. Her big brown eyes were bloodshot and swollen, and they bored into Katya's blue ones. She seemed so fragile and yet was the strongest person Katya had ever known.
"Nothing can change my feelings for you. I love you. More and more each day"

Trixie removed her hands from Katya's to wrap her arms around her waist. She fell forward and put her head in her girlfriend's lap, and begged for forgiveness. Katya ran her fingers through Trixie's hair and rubbed her scalp while repeating that she had forgiven her long ago. The older woman eventually laid down and pulled Trixie next to her. Katya told her they needed to get some rest, and she didn't fight her heavy eyelids and tired body.

They woke up the next day around 11 am in each other's arms. After packing up their suitcases, they left Denver for Salt Lake City. They stayed there two days and moved to Las Vegas, before finally reaching Los Angeles after a total of ten days of travel. Trixie was happier than Katya had ever seen her. She would smile and laugh constantly, tell her lover how grateful she was for her and for all the things they got to experience together. It warmed Katya's heart. She had dreamed about having a girlfriend for so long, and she somehow found the most perfect girl to be hers. The only problem they had was that they couldn't hold hands or be affectionate in public, but they made up for it every other night in the privacy of their bedroom. Trixie discovered real intimacy. Katya gave her soft cuddles before she fell asleep, kisses that made her skin tingle, and orgasms so intense she completely lost control of her own body.

Once in LA, the couple stayed around a month in a motel. They searched for a property to buy during this time, and found the right one on El Matador State Beach. It was a bit off-centered, but there was a breathtaking view on the ocean and no neighbors. As soon as Trixie got the key to the mansion, since she was the one who paid for it, she began redecorating the place entirely. Pink and white tones, heart and flower patterns covered the whole interior. Katya didn't mind living in a doll house, and she couldn't deny her blonde doll anything. Not even a custom pink heart shaped bedhead, or a slide for the pool. After all it was Trixie's money, and Katya would never tell her what to do with it. She gave her girlfriend the freedom she had missed during her entire life.

Trixie and Katya got hired as waitresses in a dinner on Malibu Beach. They managed to have the same schedule, which was a 11 am - 5 pm shift on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. It was a simple job, and doing it together made it fun. However, the two women were not fond of the flirty nature of some clients. They both had to force their mouth shut when a man would make an inappropriate comment about their girlfriend. It was usually harmless, but Katya still made sure Trixie was okay once they were back in the kitchen.

On their six month anniversary, Katya invited Trixie to a high end restaurant downtown. The younger woman had no idea that this day was special, and she was confused when Katya gifted her an expensive gold necklace adorned with a pink diamond.

"We've been together for six months now, and I cherish every day I've got to spend by your side. I hope we will last forever darling. I love you." Katya said quietly, not to be overheard by any client or employee. Trixie looked at the opened velvet box and her lips parted in surprise. "I didn't know today was our anniversary, I'm so sorry Kat. I will get you a present tomorrow honey I promise. This is wonderful, I love it. I love you" She whispered. Her eyes were apologetic and fond, and Katya nodded in understanding. Trixie had a hard time with remembering things like birthdays or special dates. She used to never celebrate them, since her late husband had more important things to do than treat his wife on the 23rd of August or take her out for their wedding anniversary.

"Try it on" Katya smiled. The blonde did and it looked perfect on her, and the two women went to the restroom so Trixie could see herself in a mirror. She had never worn such extravagant jewelry, and it felt good to know Katya thought she deserved beautiful and pricy things. Trixie stealthily pecked her girlfriend's lips and they walked back to their table giggling.

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