107 - Reception pt.4

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Josh gives his speech: I want to first thank, Nick, the father of my beautiful bride. Wasn't that a wonderful speech Let's hear another round of applause for him for raising such a wonderful daughter. For those of you rushing to the bathroom and to the exists, I promise I'll quick. I just want to say thank you to a couple of people who have played an especially important role in my life and my new life with this beautiful woman. To my Mom and Dad—thank you for everything. You two have shaped me into the person I am today and for that, I will forever be thankful. You have instilled in me principles, discipline, and compassion, and you have guided me when I need it most. I love you both. To my groomsmen: you all are great. I can't imagine any group of people who I would rather have here with me tonight. You have all been great friends to me, and I hope I have done the same for you. To Avani, you were great tonight; and I can't thank you enjoy for supporting my wife throughout this whole ideal. A lot of men complain about their wife's friends—about how they meddle and gossip. But not me. You're an amazing friend to my wife and to me, and I'm happy you're here tonight. ou're beautiful, you're loving, you're thoughtful, and you're funny. You're everything that a single guy hopes to find,but few do. I'm so happy that I found you, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. I love you. To everyone else who came tonight, thank you for being here. I know a lot of you traveled a long way just to be here and to share this evening with us. So thank you, again.

Everyone starts to go after a couple of hours.
Sam runs up to josh: hey dad can I go with Anty Avani?
You: um why didn't you ask me?
Sam: dad was closer
Josh: yeah you can. Just tell her I'll be picking you up at 1 b
Sam: ok.
He goes: so bae when and where is our honeymoon?
Josh: we are going to Bali in two days for 3 weeks.
You: cool!
He takes you into the car which drops you off in your house.
You take off your dress and wear your pjs.
You remove your makeup and let your hair down.
Josh takes off his tux and gets in bed: gosh babe why does it take so long for you to get unready?
You: I have to take off my makeup,undo my hair, cleanse my skin and then I'll be ready.
Josh: ok what do you have left?
You: cleansing.
Josh: ok well I'm gonna go to sleep.
You: love you.
Josh: love you too.
He falls asleep and you climb into bed after turning off the light.
He wraps his arm around you and you fall asleep not long after.

Forbidden Love  A Josh Richards story  * Completed* Where stories live. Discover now