The Philosophy of Daichi

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It's raining all the time. All my life, without a pause, I hear only the drip of rain. The box I was born in is already soaked through. There are already fleas and basement bugs in the sheet. It's much more comfortable to sleep on a concrete floor than on my sheet.

This is not surprising, because I have lived all my life in one of the wettest cities in the world - Tokyo.

During a rain or downpour, due to the fact that there is no full-fledged good water drain in this house, or a ditch where the water flows.

- Daichi, are you comfortable?

I forgot to tell you, my name is Daichi. I am a white cat of five years old and live on the outskirts in one of the houses in Tokyo. When my mom was pregnant with me, she was right next to the explosion at the Fukushima plant. Therefore, my tail is more gray than I am, because of this, I stand out very much among the other stray cats. That's why I'm so often asked questions about the contrast between me and my tail.

- Not comfortable, but I'll hold out with a buzz! And how are you, Pal? - Daichi's smile shone right up to his ears.

Palay, this is my friend half mouse, half rat. I don't know what this species is called, and Pel himself doesn't know who he is. But at least in this sense, he has gained some kind of uniqueness.

- Pale, I've always wanted to ask about your breed. Have you figured out who you are yet?

- Of course not! Does it even matter?

- N-no of course, t-t-what are you talking about?

- The question is as if you have problems.

- No, I'm just curious.

- Well, if it's interesting, then listen! My father is a rat and my mother is a mouse.

- And where did they meet?;)

- On the ship, don't interrupt! Well, mother is a mouse, father is a rat, and I am something average. A million percent of my species has already been given some kind of name, but I don't care, I don't even know how people like me are called. Even if I find out, I still won't use it.

- And what do you call yourself?

- PERSONALITY! - Palae took a superhero stance. If he really had a raincoat behind his back, then it's dust that got into a suitable period of time behind his back to show all the coolness of his words.



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