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(IMPORTANT A/N: Nothing here is related to current events. This idea was something that I've already thought of since about 2018-2019, plus as I mentioned, it was based on a novel (the Russian masters and the artefact). I just put my own Countryhumans twist on it.

I'm also not British, so things may not be 100% accurate but I try lol.

BY THE WAY, I've tried writing this idea twice. If you see it on Quotev under the username "waffledpringles" or the Wattpad username "_konokaru_" under the title "A World With A Mission" then yes, I'm both. I just dont use Quotev anymore and I lost that other WP account lol

With all that out of the way, I hope you enjoy! :D)

[Britain's P.O.V]

"C'mon boy, it's time for work." I tell to my son. He groans as he rolled around his makeshift hammock. "The sun isn't even out." He tells me. I roll my eyes and kick him a little. "Better get up or the gangmaster's gonna be on your bejabbers."

And finally he gets up and gets a lick on. He rubs his sleepy litttle eyes as he walks with me. "Where'r the others?" He asks. I happen to chuckle a little. "Since when did you think your uncles were kind enough to wait for us?" I answer. "Oh." He goes, drifting off to his own little world of thought with some comic books in hand. I bet he's still thinking about Big Ben. He won't shut up to me about it last night. Why? He keeps saying that the illustrated rubbish is telling him something. It's got hidden layers only those who truly look can see. And since he claims to be one of those special people who's been looking under the pretty colours and finding the clues. The series is about time travel and mysteries. Of course there's going to be some dumb clues around for kids to solve.

I take his small calloused hand and dragged him out of the Sanctuary before any of the guards caught us slacking behind. Ever since it all started, not even a nick of what is apparently called 'Democracy' exists nowadays. Younger ones like my wee lil' child here named Sealand doesn't even know that it was once a real word.

It all started back when the cold war eventually happened... Again. Fast forward to now, the world's divided. Unfortunately, not even the ocean could save me now 'cause all of Europe's been eaten up by Russia. So is half of Asia and Africa. The rest? Oh, you know, my hypocritical eldest 'pride and joy' who was obsessed with the concept of freedom and democracy now owns it all. He's worse than me and old man Rome. I don't really know what the other side looks like but I bet my ass that they're just as worse as we are. They may even have it more terrible over there. Anyhow, I'm only really what's standing. Everyone else? Either wiped off of the face of the Earth or sold to the supreme man himself to be his 'special slaves' or whatever.

I'm only fortunate enough to be standing here because of one thing - the artifact. Not to be the cranky old veteran in the room, but sounds like a hoax to me. Supposedly, this mysterious 'artifact' holds great power. Works like some sort of celestial genie bottle they say. Whoever gets their hands on it will become omnipotent. They say it's around here in Europe so you could guess what happened to our once glorious continent. America and Russia couldn't find it and research showed that it somehow tumbled here to me. The Isles haven't been in the best shape since 2017 but c'mon... Why me?

It's 'cause I'm British, isn't it? I just happen to suffer one way or another like some cheesy American sitcom like The Good Place, Great News, or whatever.

Anyhow, just a few years back, scavenger hunts started and we're tasked to destroy our own beautiful homeland to find that magical scrap that'll grant you ultimate power. I've grown accustomed to this obviously. Deep down in my soul, it hurts. Not only it physically hurts me because of how the Russians who guard us treat my people, but just naturally because I'm essentially killing myself to find something that's not even guranteed as true as an entire world war rages on.

THE END IS NEVER THE END II Countryhumans AUWhere stories live. Discover now