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Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Hey there, nice to uh... catch your serve I guess?"

. . .

Asahi was already trailing off in clean up picking up equipment, practically anything that was lying around and away from the talkative group. You smiled at the tall man and slowly crept up behind him and tapping him on his upper arm.

He jolted immediately and turned to face you. His face was quite red, possibly due to his embarrassment during practice, but it didn't matter to you. You found his soft and quiet demeanor to be quite the cute factor especially due to his size.

"It's really nice to meet you! I'm sure your probably like super confused on why I'm even approaching you or anything, I assure you I'm not trying to start anything!" You stated politely and he laughed softly by your mannerisms and nodded.

"I- uh... never meant to be so rude before..."

"Oh I didn't find you rude?!"

"Oh?... I apologize then for assuming." You laughed softly by his shaking behavior and shook your head.

"Don't apologize, I was actually going to apologize for even butting in you guy's practice session." His cheeks went rosy as he gripped the back of his neck with a laugh.

"Hey... I- uh wouldn't get so worked up over it.. I uh- yknow it was good. THE UH- catch I mean- wait is your h-hand okay?! It is right?" His worried motions gave your heart an ecstatic swirl.

"Oh I'm just fine..." You laughed softly and began helping him clean up. "And I owe you one, maybe I can even help your practice! My treat for being such a numbskull!" Asahi smiled a bit and nodded only to jolt at the sound of a voice you very well knew who it came from.

"Asahi!" Eloise screamed out in a gleeful manner as Matilda was not far behind.

"U-uh-..." Asahi was a stuttering mess and from what you've seen so far, the last person you'd ever see Asahi even speak to would be good ol' Eloise.

"So happy to see you again!... I was wondering since we have the same math class I was hoping you'd be my study partner!?"

"Uhhh- yknow I am not the best when- it uh comes t-to mathematics..."

"Why don't I help you instead? I have a higher math level, I could easily give you some tips if you'd like?" Eloise turned to face your Cherry demeanor and spat in your direction leaving you and Asahi dumbfounded by this occurrence.

"I don't think I was asking you was I? That's a shame... people like you always butt in conversations that don't involve them... SO ASAHI! I need an answer I have a quite the busy schedule this evening!" Asahi stayed silent clutching the ball in his hands. Silently shaking he mustered up the courage to nod in agreement. "REALLY? Oh how lovely! I'll be texting you about any study times of course." She tossed her hair off her shoulder and eyes your shocked demeanor.

She strutted off with her sister trailing behind as the group who were standing not that far from the two of you watched them both exit.

"Who the fuck were they?" Tanaka piped up only to get backhanded by Daichi.

"So... still need help-" You looked at Asahi who was as pale as ever. "Christ-" You snapped your fingers near his face causing him to lock eyes with you. "You alright?..."

"Did... did you not?" You quite literally knew the question he may have asked. Do you know them. Are you not hurt. The list could go on, but after the years of dealing with their bitchy attitude, you've become almost immune. Almost.

"Oh, Eloise and Matilda? Me and Yachi have been dealing with them for years. They are bad news." You laughed a bit and continued cleaning. "I'd rather not talk about them anyways, cleaning is just such a better time consumer."

"Oh- oh okay." Asahi stated, his tone slightly shaken up but yet so very soft as he continued help clean up todays practice materials.

. . .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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