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Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Sometimes I tend to ponder on the realities of life and begin to realize the people who bicker tend to have the smaller brains."

. . .

SITTING through your first day of classes felt like a breeze. You made a few friends and found out you shared a math class with Kiyoko. The two of you caught the eye of one another and smiled. You were going to call out to her as the bell rang, but the swarm of students overwhelmed you and you decided to just say your hellos later that day.

You continued your walk down to your last class and smiled at the sight. A teacher with blocky glasses and bright brown hair with green tips was welcoming students in one by one.

"Are you Ms. Melody?"

"I am! You must be one of my new students!" She stated happily and gestured for you to walk in. You smiled accordingly and book your spot in the middle of the classroom. The entire class was decorated with all sorts of art supplies as easels were spread everywhere. You knew for yourself this would be your safe space or so you hoped. You placed your canvas down onto the desk area only to grumble at the sight of two blond students walking in with smiles on their faces.

"Well then, I didn't know we would have the same class together."

"Never knew you liked art? Though anything art related is considered part of the curriculum so I suppose I understand why you're here." You gave her a witty smile and took out your notebook.

"I just find art fun." Eloise spat out as she was accompanied by her sister.

"C'mon Louis, we both know that you don't. You find books boring. Let's not forget you pay people to do your work?" Eloise clenched her fist and sat at the same table as you. Matilda decided to sit by her friends who sat in the back of the class. You sighed a bit under your breath as you watched Eloise clasp her hands together.

"Let's get this cleared first. My name's not fucking Louis."

"Your right, not 'fucking Louis' just Louis!" You stated and laughed. Eloise clenched her fists and continued with a smile.

"Let me finish. I'm here cause I want to be, I want to be able to draw portraits of myself, not crumby ass landscapes your sorry ass does like you actually think..." She snatched the canvas and shoved it in your face with a smile. "Shit like this is nice?" You gently took it from her hands and laughed.

"Agree to disagree." As the bell rang you sat your painting up on an easel and listened to the teacher speak. The first days were always slow, first weeks were no different. She gave the homework for the month along with their due dates. You were pleased with a month's advance notice for practically busy work. Unlike some students who groaned under their breath, you did not see the problem with it.

The teacher waved you all off and sat down at her office table giving you all the chance to chat in class or start on work. You decided to grab the acrylic paint you had seen beside and use the sage green as undertones for the trees in the front areas of the painting, giving it a pretty shadow. Eloise watch you do this, practically fuming at this point, but you didn't care much about it.

Losing track of time, earbuds in you used the acrylic paint on your canvas, not worried about the commotion around you as you hummed melodies.

Eloise continued to watch and from her displeasure hated how happy you seemed. Of course, it was obvious she had envied the way you painted so she had decided to take it upon herself and give you a helpful tip at the end of class.

As the last bell chimed, you looked up at the clock as the teacher stood with a smile and dismissed the class. Eloise watched her sister leave the classroom, she tapped your shoulder while holding a jar of red paint. You turned to face her and put your earbuds away.

"Did you need something?" You stated as you looked up at her with a confused expression.

"I was wondering if you needed some red paint?"

"Oh? Oh no! Only pastel pinks, maybe some vibrant pinks, y'know for the flowers? There weren't any red flowers from what I had seen." Eloise smiled and gripped the jar tightly in her hand.

"Thats too bad I really thought the painting could use some red, you know like some eye pop? I think it'd look nice!" She stated rather happily. You seemed slightly hyped by her enthusiastic demeanor and decided to prop the picture on your lap.

"Huh? Really? I'm guessing highlights on the flowers right?"

"No no, I think a splash of red would look nice right over here!" She splashed the jar of red paint onto the canvas. Your shocked expression seething with anger as you quickly turned over, now covered in red paint watching her walk away with a laugh. "See? That painting looks amazing darling!" and with that statement, she simply left. Leaving you in a state of utter shock. You watched the jar roll on the countertop as Ms. Melody came quickly to your aid sadly not seeing the situation that had taken place.

"My goodness look at all this paint, Oh your painting! Sweetheart, it was gorgeous what happened?" You laughed a bit and turned the jar over to see it say watercolors and shook your head.

"Just a bit of an artistic fail Ms. Melody."

"But the painting?" You waved your hands and placed the dripping red canvas on the easel. The shades of red overtook the canvas but the man you had so beautifully drawn in was the darkest shade of red of them all.

"My room is filled with art supplies! I can make one exactly like this, besides..." You looked around the room and gave her a small laugh. "I'd better help you clean up first! Wouldn't want the other teachers coming in thinking a crime took place." Ms. Melody laughed at your witty joke and grabbed a few paper towels.

"For someone who just got their art completely ruined you sure do keep high spirits."

"Eh, more like a basic education on different paints." Ms. Melody quickly popped up from the bent down position and quickly looked at your painting and picked up the emptied jar of paint. She looked you in the eyes and could only muster up a small chuckle.

"Welp, I know whos getting a damn good grade in my class."

. . .

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