Chapter 2 - Two Ounces Of Courage.

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    I furrowed my eyebrows, sliding the computer mouse smoothly over the purple mousepad to click on the one result that read ‘For One Girl’s Eyes Only. You Know Who You Are’. A small little snippet from the website was in small paragraph form below it. The bolded words ‘Harry’ and ‘One Direction’ stood out, being the words that had related to my search. I hesitantly left-clicked the link. 

    It took about 5 seconds to load it, revealing a plain, very plain, website with just one paragraph in bold, Times New Roman font. It had just an all white background, clearly not made for looks, but for straight-up information for one person... and I’m pretty sure that one person was me. 

    I quickly focused my attention to the writing. I didn’t know what was going on, why I was talking about people who just didn’t exist, and I needed answers. My vision fumbled a bit as I was about to read it out of nervousness, and my hands became sweaty against the white mouse that curved perfectly into my palm, but I pushed on, in grave need of answers.

It read:

Dear Carson, You said some words that you

                 obviously didn’t mean too.

                        You took the cue.

                            Good going, boo.

                                There is one thing I need you to do.

And that is, my dear, to talk to Harry Styles . Who lives in apartment twenty two.

                In the building St. Lou.

I finished reading, my eyes still squinted in complete confusion at the lit up screen. And all the sudden, I jumped out of the cushy chair that was just so comfortable, deciding I would go and talk to ‘Harry’. I needed answers, and I needed them now. It was late, but I remembered where St. Lou apartment buildings were, and people had told me before it was a big college student area, parties almost every night. Especially Saturdays.

It was Saturday.

Thank God.

I fast-walked about 10 steps to my room, my bare feet slapping against the dark oak floor. I turned the stainless steel, wave shaped handle and swung open the white, wood door which revealed the brightest room in the house. It’s walls were a bright, baby yellow and posters, postcards, magazine articles, anything you can imagine, adorned the walls. It was my place of brightness in this dark house, and all I had to do was come here to get away from the depression that suffocated my own home...

Shaking my head like I could possibly shake the pain away from my mind, I grabbed the keys to my bright blue, Mazda 3, and then darted down the hallway again until I was in the main foyer of the house. Dark, human shaped shadows created by the vase and the white table gave me a quick jump, but I carried on walking to doorway. This time, I silently and slowly opened the door, hoping not to make a creak bounce carelessly around the house, waking up my parents.

The crisp, March air bit at my cheeks and bare arms as I stepped out onto the porch, and walked to the black tar driveway, and  my keys jingled at my waist. The night sky was dotted with golden, shining stars, and I looked to them for a moment in silent prayer. “Everything will be fine." I thought to myself, still a bit surprised at my outburst just to go and find this.. Harry person. I didn’t even know him, he could be a killer, a pedophile! It was too late, I needed to know why I was getting notes... why I was saying things.. I just... I don’t know. I lowered myself in the car’s driver seat, with one more deep breath, letting the crisp air cleanse my fear.

It was about a ten minute ride there, but no time was too short for music. I instantly turned the volume dial right, the music blaring inside the car. Music was a way to get away from everything that had been happening lately, and it made me feel okay again. Even if just for a few minutes. Seconds. 

My head bobbed up and down to the beat of the music, making my blonde shoulder length hair sway back and forth. When music was playing, I lost track of time. It felt like I was the only person in the world. It felt like there were no more problems with my mom and her Clinical Depression, my aunt and uncles divorce. It felt like I was me, and didn’t have to pretend that I was fine, that everything was just fine.

Tears welled up a bit in my eyes. I awkwardly looked out the window at the rolling city buildings as if someone was there in the car as well, and I wouldn't let them see my puffy eyes. I let one tear roll down to my jawline. With blurry eyes, I pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex. The bass of loud, rap music could be heard radiating around the whole area. I could feel the ground shaking beneath my car, and you could see the clear annoyance of the older couple sitting on their porch, trying to enjoy the beautiful evening. They turned their heads to me as my car parked a few feet away from their porch and gave me a smile small of encouragement, as if they knew the situation I was in.

 I returned them with a small wave, turning the key to the right, shutting off the ignition, and lifted myself from the car. Looking around at the brass numbers on the brown doors, I prayed that the one where the music was coming from wasn't 22.

But I have no luck.

Through the window of apartment 22, there was a thick curtain of wispy, grey smoke. Probably drugs. You could see the silhouettes of college students with red solo cups in their hands. A couple making out here. A couple grinding against each other there. Classy.  

I tapped my knuckle against the door, right below the brass, golden number 22. I stood there for about 5 minutes, nausea filling the pit of my stomach and slowly, but surely convincing me a little more every minute to leave. Just as I was about to leave, the door was thrust open revealing not only lots of other college students obviously wasted  behind him, but revealing very tall boy, who looked to about 19. He staggered a bit, leaning against the door frame for support, and his strikingly green eyes were blood shot. His very curly hair was messed up and standing up abnormally in some places. It seemed as if was at the climax of his drunkenness. 

He looked at me mischievously, obviously pleased with my body, especially shown the when the impish smile spread a bit more across his face as his eyes traveled to my chest. I crossed my arms  uncomfortably, standing my ground. 

"He-Hey Babe. Nice of oftostopby" He slurred to me as he leaned a bit closer to my face. His breath was all alcohol. "I'm not-notsure ifI've hooked up with yooouu.. before. But wecan chan-change that right now." 

I gulped a little. ‘Are you Harry?’ I said confidently, my arms still crossed firmly. 

‘Yeah.’ He said back in a deep, slow British accent. He still smiled mischievously at me.

‘Well, I am he-” I started to say, but was cut off. My eyes went big, and my body froze. My eyes traveled to my upper arm where his huge hand was wrapped tightly around it. His gleaming eyes never left my face. I looked back up at him, all the courage and color drained from my face. He pulled me close, so that our bodies touched completely. He lowered his neck, so he was eye level to my blue, fear filled eyes. 

And he violently pulled me in the wispy house, closing the door to everything outside. 

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So this chapter obviously isn't my best, but as you can see I went back and edited, also changed the ending up a bit. I hope this is a bit better, and sorry for such a long wait to the people who were reading and enjoying!

I just want to say thank you for everything! It has been so amazing to see your wonderful comments, and your votes! They really help me get more motivated to continue writing this story, so thank you.

I hope to have Chapter 3 up by the end of this week (like March 5th or something.), and I hope you guys will still enjoy it as much as you did for Chapter 1.

So again, thank you so much for your wonderful support, and I hope you keep reading!  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2013 ⏰

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