Chapter 1 - One Result.

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    The TV set blared out to me sitting on the couch. I stared blankly at the screen and mindlessly dipped my hand into the bag of tortilla chips that I had just pulled out of the pantry. Random commercials for different products flashed by, until the final commercial came. I knew it was the final one because for this particular program, it was always the One Direction Merchandise commercial, promoting the grand (well, not so grand anymore. They had been open for about 2 months now..) opening of their brand new superstore. It was located downtown New York, and I knew this because the narrator on screen didn’t dare forget to tell us every 5 minutes.  A brand new concrete building with their pretty faces plastered on banners that hung from the building, just short enough to keep from covering the first window on the ground floor. It was a teen girl’s heaven.

    I turned away from the TV to let my eyes take a little break, and looked over to my small dog lying next to me. He was sleeping, his gingerish-brownish hair moving up and down in a steady rhythm near his stomach. I pet him gently so as not wake him, waiting until ‘What Up With That’ began again.

    ‘Niall. Liam. Louis. & Zayn.’ The voice over on the commercial said to get the viewers attention.

    ‘And Harry.’ I blurted out absentmindedly to no one but myself in the lonely room. “What the...?” I thought to myself, now sitting up perfectly straight and looking around the living room, searching for who could have spoken those words. That couldn’t have been me who said that, but it was. It was. “What am I even saying? Who the hell is Harry?’

I relieved from my irregular sitting position, and slouched back down on the couch slowly and cautiously, still a bit freaked from the experience. I hadn’t knowingly said those words, and I hadn’t purposely said those words, but they just slipped, like it was something I couldn’t control.

Getting over my little spook, I slowly turned my head back to the screen where the picture of the grey building, a boring color, but it was made up by the intricate and beautiful architecture, took over the pixelated screen once again.

    ‘Your favorite four boys want you to come and pick up some merch.”  The female voice over said in that cheesy, fake voice that that blonde woman in ‘HollyWood Wire’ uses on Youtube.

‘Five! Your favorite five boys!’ I yelled to the No one in my house. Again, words I hadn’t spoken were... spoken... by me. My eyes went big and I slapped my left hand to my mouth in fear, almost being sure that if another unwanted sentence came out of my mouth, I would assume I was going insane. ‘What the hell is going on?!’ I silently mumbled under my breath. I jumped up from the couch, making Romeo raise his head in questioning as to what I was doing, and I shot down the narrow hallway to the end room where we kept our Mac desktop computer. It’s screen glowed invitingly, and so I plopped my bottom in the cushy, black desk chair in front of its place on the mahogany desk.

I leaned in as close to the screen as I could, my nose not even an inch away to the glowing pixels, nervously and quickly pecking at the keys with questions overloading in my head. Hurriedly typing in ‘Google’ in the browser at the top of the screen, I hit the enter button, a little harder than needed.  

I slid the mouse so that it hovered over the search box, and typed in a few simple words that could possibly help me; ‘Harry One Direction.’

One result.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - -

So yeah, that's Chapter 1! If you like it please vote, and please comment because I want to know what you guys think! :D Oh and fan me, if you like my writing as well! (If you any of you got the SNL joke in there, I love you so much. 'What Up With That'.)

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