Episode 7: Deku Vs Kacchan

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I sadly have to put the link from the intro since the creator has changed it to not listed. ;-;
Anyways, onto the story!

(Because Kacchan and I lived in the same neighborhood, we've known each other since we were little.)

In the past...

Kid Katsuki: "Let's go kill the enemy!"

Kids: "Okay!"

Kid Izuku: "O-Okay...!"

(He was the type who could do anything he tried his hand at, a rascal who led the group of neighborhood kids. Good or bad, Kacchan was full of confidence, and i thought he was so cool. But... after his Quirk manifested, it accelerated him down the wrong path.)

Back in the present...

Katsuki: "Even though you're scared... That's what I hate about you!"

(All men are not created equal. This was the reality I learned about society at the young age of four.)

Episode 7: Deku vs Kacchan

Tenya: "Hey, Bakugo! Give me your status! What happened?"

Katsuki: "Just shut up and defend. I'm really angry right now!"

Tenya: "I'm not asking about how you feel! Hey! He hung up... Going off on his own like that... What is wrong with him?! Jeez!"

Jazamon: "Dude chill, he's a delinquent."

In the observation room...

Eijiro: "What was Bakugo saying? Can't tell with just the cameras in a fixed position and no sound."

All Might: "He's talking to his partner over the small wireless radio. You can bring that plus the building's floor plan, and this capture tape! Once you wrap this around your opponent, it shows that you've captured them."

Dokunemon: "The time limit is 15 minutes, and the heroes don't know where the nuclear weapon is located, right?"

All Might: "Yes!"

Mina: "The heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here!"

All Might: "Heroes should be able to turn the tables on whatever predicament they're in. Besides, didn't Mr Aizawa tell you, too? You know... Here we go..."

Class 1-A: "Plus Ultra!"

Yuga: "Monsieur, Bakugo is-"

In the building...

Izuku: "Uraraka, go!"

Katsuki jumped at Izuku and Ochako ran away.

Katsuki: "Looking away? You must be sure of yourself. Huh? The capture tape-?!"

Izuku: "(Hero notebook number 10, page 18! I'm glad I got to see Eraserhead's moves in person! What's next? If it's Kacchan, he'll be impatient and swing with his right again!)"

Izuku jumps away before Katsuki could land another blow.

Izuku: "(I was right!)"

In the observation room.

Rikido: "That guy's amazing!"

Rikido Sato
Quirk: Sugar Rush

Level: Rookie
Attribute: Vaccine
Type: Holy Beast

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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