Episode 5: What I can do for now

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In the teacher's lounge...

Principal Nezu: "The cumulative results for the practical exam are now being displayed!"

Midnight is pointing to Katsuki Bakugo being first place on the ranking.

Midnight: "I can't believe he got first place with no rescue points."

Cementoss: "The Digibots acquire their targets and draw near them. I'm the second half, as others were slowing down, he used his flashy Quirk to keep bringing them close and then counterattacking. It's the result of his toughness. His Digimon, though, did nothing. If he were to destroy some bots, too, he would've ended up with way more points."

Midnight: "In contrast, there's the 7th place Student with zero bot points."

Ectoplasm: "There have been other examinees who took on the Bot-RAI in the past, but it's been a while since I saw someone blow it away."

Snipe: "But to suffer such a serious injury from his own attack... it's like he's a young child whose Quirk just manifested."

At night at the beach...

(The night after I opened my acceptance letter, that person contacted me.)

Izuku: "All Might!"

All Might: "Who's that?!"

Random Citizens: "All Might? No way! Where?"

All Might: "repeat after me. 'i had the wrong person.'"

Izuku: "Oh, I had the wrong person!"

Citizens: "Aw, what?" "I was hoping to see him..."

All Might: "Congrats on getting accepted."

Izuku: "Th-Th-Thank you very much!"

All Might: "Just so you know, I didn't tell the school about my connection to you. You're the type that would think that's cheating, right? I wasn't one of the judges."

Izuku: "Th-Thank you for your concern! But I was surprised to find out that you were a teacher at UA.  So that's why you came here, huh? I mean, your agency is in Roppongi in Minato, Tokyo at-"

All Might: "Stop that! I couldn't tell anyone before the school announced it. I just happened to be offered a job from UA when I was searching for a successor."

Izuku: "(I see. He was originally planning on choosing one of the students. One of the students gifted with an amazing Quirk.) My body broke with one kick and one punch of One For All. I can't control it at all."

All Might: "That can't be helped. It's like if you asked a person who suddenly grew a tail to do a trick, they wouldn't even be able to control it."

Izuku: "Wait, did you know that would happen?!"

All Might: "Well, there wasn't any time... But it turned out all right. It turned out 'all might'! Right now, you're either at a hundred percent or zero. But once you can control it, you'll be able to adjust to what your body can handle."

Izuku: "Control?!"

All Might: "The more you train a vessel, the more you'll be able to move the power freely."

He turns into buff form again.

All Might: "Like this."

Citizens: "Wait, is that All Might?! No way! When did he get here?!"

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