Deja Vu

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~Alex's POV~
Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital

As we walk up to the entrance of the hospital, I can't help but feel this strong sense of Deja Vu. "So, I have to go meet the patient but you can hang out in the attendings' lounge. I got special permission from Bailey." Liana says as she leads me into a small lounge. She grabs her scrubs and goes into the bathroom to change. "Okay. Cool." I say as I sit down on the couch. My entire body is sore from the flight. I hear the door open and see someone walk in. And weirdly, she seems very familiar. "Uh, who are you? And why are you in here?" The woman says as Liana walks out of the bathroom. "Oh, hey Amelia." She says as she walks over to her and gives her a small hug. "Hey. Uh, who is that?" She says pointing to me. "Uh, I'm Alex." I say as I get up and walk over to her. "Nice to meet you." I say standing next to Liana.

"Uh, nice to meet you. Anyways. Here is the chart. She is in room 2319." Amelia says as she hands a chart to Liana. "Okay. I'll go meet with her now." Liana says as she walks out of the room. "So you are the infamous Alex I've heard very little about." She says with a little laugh as she goes to sit on the couch. "Okay, spill. I wanna hear everything I can about you. My best friend is engaged and I barely know her fiancé." We sit and talk for about a half hour before someone opens the door.

"Hey Mer. Have you met Alex yet?" She says as she gestures to me. She has a strange look on her face and just stares at me for  a moment. "Meredith?" "Uh, yeah. I mean, no I haven't. Hi, uh nice to meet you. I'm Meredith." She walks over and stands awkwardly near Amelia. "Uh, nice to meet you. I'm Alex. Liana's fiancé." I say as I give a small wave to her. We're all silent for a while before Amelia finally breaks it. "Well, I have to go check on a patient, but maybe we could all go out for drinks tonight?" She says as she stands up. "Yeah, that sounds good." I say as she walks toward the door. "Alright than. Bye!" When she's out of the room, Meredith walks around and sits on the couch next to me.

"So, Alex. Tell me about yourself. How did you and Liana meet?" She asks, with a weird twinge to her voice. She almost looks like she's seen a ghost. "Uh, we met at a bar. I was out with my friends and we had bumped into each other. We started talking and really hit it off. I was also really, really drunk so I wasn't exactly thinking clearly. And I'm pretty sure you can figure out what happened next. But uh, yeah. Not exactly the romantic meeting everyone wants. But we're both happy and I think it was just perfect timing for both of us." I say as I lean against the arm of the couch, folding one leg under me. Meredith just sits there for a moment before speaking again "Ironically enough, that's how I met my husband. Except he was still married and- you know what, that is way too long of a story to tell right now." 

"You're good. I'm assuming your husband works as a doctor here too?" I say. She keeps looking at me weird, almost like she's anticipating something." Uh, yeah he was. He was actually head of the neurosurgery department." "Was?" I ask. "Um, yeah. He unfortunately died a few years ago. His name was Derek." As she says his name, I think back to the conversation with Liana. Derek. Her mentor. "Oh god, I'm so sorry. Liana, she mentioned him a couple days ago. I was wondering why she was so against coming back here. She had mentioned that a few doctors here had died." I say, trying to remember all the names. Derek. George. Mark. Lexie. 

"Yeah. When Derek died, that was kind of the breaking point for her. Honestly, Lexie was really the breaking point for her but Derek managed to talk her into staying. But then he died. She handled it about as bad as I did. She applied to other hospitals, anyone she could find. And then about a year later she finally got the call about National City, being chief. She hated the idea of being chief but she was willing to do anything to get out of here. So, when I finally came back she was gone." She pauses for a moment. "Anyways, let's not keep talking about death, shall we. So, what do you do for work." Crap. That's complicated. "Uh, it's kind of a weird situation. I'm in the science and research field but it's more freelance work." I say, which to be fair, isn't a total lie. "Although, I did actually work here in Seattle. I did medical research for a few years but it wasn't really my thing so I moved back home to National City and started doing freelance work." I really don't like the fact that I'm lying to someone I barely know, but I obviously can't tell her what I actually do. 

"Wow, that's cool. So, what's your family like? Any siblings?" Meredith asks with that same twinge in her voice from before. "Um, I have a younger sister." I pause for a moment before finally saying what has been bothering me this entire conversation. "I'm sorry, but you seem really familiar and it's really bugging me. I don't how or why but I feel like I've met you before." She stares for a moment. "Hm, weird." She says quickly. A buzzer goes off. "Oh, sorry I have to go." She says as she quickly gets up and leaves. "Well that wasn't awkward at all." I say to myself as I put my feet up on the couch. Might as well get a little sleep before tonight. \

~Alex has a nightmare. Reliving the plane crash. And she can feel every sharp shooting pain in her body. Except, she thinks it's just a nightmare. Not a retelling of the past.~

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