Important Announcement

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Hey guys... 

I was thinking of redoing this whole story a bit differently, as the plot I used for this story so far is similar to a lot of other pieces on Wattpad. There are almost no details that differentiate it from other pieces, so I wanted to redo it a bit. The original plot was supposed to include a shadow war between the Potters and a house called the Feupur five hundred years before the events of this story. Due to an embarrassing defeat, the Potter clan lost most of its status, wealth, and power. I'd like to use that plot, but I need to start this story out differently. 

I'll be updating each chapter individually, I think. If a chapter title is NOT surrounded in stars, it means I've not updated it, and you should just ignore it. If a chapter title IS surrounded in stars, it means I HAVE updated it and you should definetely give it a read again. 


**Chapter One**          (Updated)

Chapter One                  (Not Updated)

Sorry for this inconvenience, but I feel as though I'd burn myself out if I continued this story. There wouldn't be as many opportunities to make this story truly mine. 

Until next time (probs later today East Coast time)! See ya!

- Typwriter

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